H3 Daily

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Every End is a New Beginning

devins dash

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

Yesterday was my last day at Hilton Head Health.  I am not even really sure how to sum this all up in words – but it was definitely bittersweet!  I am leaving my H3 family of almost 5 years (including my internship) to pursue a nursing degree and continue to help others live their best life! 

I wanted to say thank you to each of you for supporting the blog, Facebook and Hilton Head Health.  I have enjoyed being a part of such a great company – and it will be greatly missed!  Check back next week to meet a new blogger face – you may recognize her if you were here recently. 

Best of luck in the future!



  1. Best of luck, Cheney! I know you'll do great things and touch many lives! Come back and visit us at H3!

  2. Wishing you the best of luck on your new beginning.
