H3 Daily

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Carving Out Your Mantra

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="250" caption="What's your sign?"]Thunderbird[/caption]

Fall represents change to me. The transition from summer into winter, baseball to football, light sun-kissed veggies replaced by hearty soups and spiced fall flavors. The symbolism for change surrounds us with breathtaking saffron, amber and ginger-hued leaves rustling in cool breezes.

As the autumn engulfs us, it's a splendid time to start reflecting on our own transformation. What mantra do we want to herald as a symbol of our journey? What change do we want to make that will shape the decisions we plan for the upcoming year. How do we want to be represented?

A new take on an old Halloween tradition, pumpkin carving, is the backdrop for the answer to all the above questions. Take time to explore or develop a symbol that represents your new mantra or identity-quest. In the spirit of the season, carve out your symbol in a hollowed-out pumpkin and ceremoniously illuminate it with a votive. Use this representational project to mark the beginning, and your commitment, to your chosen journey. Projects, such as this one, are a wonderful way to give visual and artistic meaning to your intended transformation. It takes the quest from living only in your mind to interacting with all your senses.

To represent my identity quest, I have chosen the Thunderbird, a symbol originated by Native American Indians. The Thunderbird is the Sacred Bearer of Happiness Unlimited. Thus, my new mantra is Happiness Unlimited. I can’t wait to carve it out and let the light shine through.

If you want a few ideas for symbols that represent your quest, look at the list below…

  The tortoises is emblematic of steadfast effort and eventual, inevitable success.

 The eagle is a symbol of action, a lofty spirit, intelligence and judiciousness. 

  The Celtic symbol for Inner Strength.

  The Chinese symbol representing Serenity.

What will your symbol be? I would love to see your finished project. Send me a photo and description to lvolz@hhhealth.com.


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