H3 Daily

Wednesday, December 18, 2013



So far you have survived Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and a few weekend shopping frenzies at the mall.  Feeling merry and bright?  Chances are you’re finding yourself more stressed out than ever.  Welcome to the Holiday season!

It’s that ‘most wonderful time of the year’ when your head is spinning just trying to keep up with your ever growing ‘to-do’ list and the frantic schedule of events your trying to manage.  Pretty far removed from those peaceful, serene images glorified in the carols you hear playing around the clock.  Don’t feel left out, there are no chestnuts roasting on an open fire in our house either!

It’s hard to keep your healthy habits in place with so much going on, and so easy to let it all slide during the season.  But you can undo a whole lot of hard work by letting go, even for a couple of weeks.  In Nutrition and Wellness Coaching we encourage our clients to create a VISION and set GOALS to help them realize that vision.  Take a few minutes and write down a VISION for yourself – a healthy statement for your life defining who you are and what health promoting, life-giving behaviors you want to do consistently.   Next list a few goals that will help you reach that vision (fitness, nutrition, or self goals).   Below are a few suggestions to get started.  Remember, you MUST stay confident and strong in willpower to avoid setbacks in your wellness program.

  1. Write down your food rules and keep them handy.  No exceptions!

  2. Find a mantra that helps you stay focused: ‘I am worth it’, ‘I am strong’, ‘I can do this’, ‘Mind over Matter’, ‘I’m going to make it happen’, etc.

  3. Get a buddy (friend, relative or spouse) you can partner with to keep each other on track.

  4. Write down three things that make you happy or put you in a good mood that you can think about when you feel stressed or overwhelmed (an event, place, person or accomplishment).  You want to keep negative thoughts and feelings at bay as much as possible.

At least one of your goals should be fitness based.  Our Home Coaching Challenge for December is to log at least 200 minutes of purposeful physical activity each week.  This is a great goal for everyone this month!  With that in mind I put together a workout to get you started.

In the spirit of the season:

12  Minutes of Power Walking

11  Walking Lunges (2 sets)

10  Jumping Jacks or Heel Kicks (3 sets)

  9   Biceps Curls (3 sets)

  8   Elbow to Knee Crunches (on the mat or standing) (3 sets)

  7   Push-up’s (on the floor or wall) (2 sets)

  6   Sets of Stairs (up and down)

  5  Shoulder Presses (3 sets)

  4  Chair Squats-Plie Position (4 sets)

  3  Minutes jogging in place

  2  Sun Salutations

  1  Minute hold a plank

                                                …..and a Partridge in a Pear Tree!


Happy Holidays!

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