H3 Daily

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Conquering the Gym Fear

By Jeff, H3 Program Intern

We’ve all been there. Faced with taking a new class or starting a new job – these experiences not only expose us to an entire new group of people, but fears of the unknown and the uncertainty factor tends to set in. Fascinatingly enough, these same fears go hand in hand with becoming a new member at a gym.

What will people think of me? Will I fit into the mix?  What if I can’t perform up to everyone’s level?  Will they stare, laugh?

All sensible questions, yet we must understand that these butterflies are typical for every single new experience.

Strength Zone

Every now and then, a class is offered here at H3 to help Guests overcome fears of the gym that may be colluding in their minds. 

The basis of the “Overcoming Your Fear of the Gym” class is to allow Guests an open forum to not only discuss their personal fears, but provides a few definite tips for conquering gym uncertainties.  Below is your quick guide to tackling any qualms before joining the ranks of your local fitness facility.

- Before you join a gym, try out a free session.  This will allow you to gain a feel of the environment with a one day trial pass.

- Choose a health club with a relaxed atmosphere.  A place where you feel comfortable, a local YMCA is a great option! 

- Make sure you are familiar with the fitness equipment.  Fluency in equipment lingo leads to immediate gym confidence.  Most gyms provide an orientation on gym equipment upon joining - if not, don't be afraid to ask! 

- Stick to the fitness equipment in which you feel most comfortable.  This boosts motivation and allows for the best of workouts.

- Organize your routine before you walk in the door.  An exercise plan keeps you focused and zeroed in on your workout. 

- Participate in group fitness classes.  This is an excellent way to meet other members and become oriented with the facility.

 Hilton Head Health group fitness

- Go at the least crowded time.  Before anyone else is awake, kick start your day with a morning workout. 

- Find a gym buddy.  It's a lot more difficult not to show up when someone else is depending on you.

- Check your priorities at the door.  Exercise is for your benefit, leave worries of what other people think outside. 

Focus on your own workout by tuning others out.  Find an exercise trance, bring an Ipod or mp3 device!

- Focus on personal targets.  Set goals, write down what you hope to achieve by attending the gym.

- Hire a personal trainer.  They’ll not only teach you all the exercises, but motivate you positively!


That’s the inside scoop folks.  Therefore, take what you will and run with it or power walk it!  It’s certainly understandable to be faced with these qualms; it’s a part of life.  Recognize that your thoughts are beyond a doubt greater than others around you.  

It is an admirable accomplishment to break out of the comfort zone and block out these gym fears.  When it all boils down, we hit the gym for ourselves, no one else.  We are there to improve our personal lifestyles and that is what we must remember.

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