H3 Daily

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!


As you look for ways to improved your program in 2010, don’t underestimate the impact of making small changes. Dip and spearing salad dressing and sauces, using smaller plates and glasses (check out www.smallplatemovement.org ), taking a leisurely walk after a meal, doing a few squats, lunges or pushups during a commercial, or 5 minutes of deep breathing or meditation to break up a hectic day.


Changes like these might seem small and insignificant, but when integrated over time, can make a big difference.  100 calories saved here, 50 more burned there, add up. If you made some small changes that have helped you, leave a comment and share what is working for you.


Check out the website www.smallchange.gov for a other ideas.

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