H3 Daily

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Drums ALIVE! - Debut class at Hilton Head Health


Drums ALIVE  combines traditional aerobic movements with the powerful beat and rhythm of the drums.  This is a great workout for the entire body, mind and spirit!  There is something therapeutic about banging on a Physio-Ball.  I encourage you to search for a class in your area or add it to your to-do list for your next trip at Hilton Head Health.


Question:  What are your thoughts on Drums ALIVE?  Did you take it while at Hilton Head Health or after returning home?  Do you know of a class in your area?

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved the class at H3I. It was a lot of fun, and a serious workout. I haven't found a similar class here, but it has helped me to try some other new classes and to realize that changing things up a little is a good thing.
