H3 Daily

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Fitness: It’s Never Too Late To Get Back In The Game

Hat tip to our avid reader Katha Kissman for finding this one!  Watch the vid and then read the commentary below.

Sure the point of the video was to show how exercise helps aging adults avoid disease.  But, we already knew that!  I think there was a more important lesson.  The Tigerettes aren’t exercising, they are PLAYING!  Exercise to me means drab elastic sweatpants, monotonous treadmill training and physical torture generally endured under solitary confinement.  Let’s spend some time this upcoming weekend playing.  Find a lonesome friend or loved one and kick, throw or shoot a ball.  Hell, who needs a ball, you can tag, race, swim, jump or crawl to a calorie burn.  But for God’s sake, stop sensationalizing exercise and start playing!


  1. Did you notice in the one scene that the woman was on a Woodway Treadmill? Great story...I would not guess any of them to be that old...they look amazing!

  2. Truly inspiring! Play on, everyone :)

  3. @Lyle - I noticed the Woodway too. They are also really popular in clinical settings.
