H3 Daily

Thursday, January 2, 2014


1214As 2014 begins, most people take at least a few moments to reflect on 2013 as well as envisioning the next 365 days.  It is also the time when a personal character evaluation can open the door to healthier 2014.  Let’s face it, knowing who you are DOWN TO THE CORE is needed for progress whether you want to lose weight or not.  Your hair color changes, your waist size fluctuates, interests from 10 years ago have faded and new ideas always develop, but the essential qualities remain.  You mature and you grow over time and with various life experiences, but taking the time to assess your CHARACTER allows you to set realistic goals and reach your ultimate vision for 2014 and the years to come. 

Do you know the answers to these critical questions about your character?

  1.  Do you believe in something greater than you?  Do you put your trust and confidence into a greater power? When life gets hard, what do you rely on? You should be able to answer this question without any doubts.

  2. Who influences your life the most?  If this is the magazines, media, or toxic relationships then there may be a problem.   Surround yourself with a positive environment—instead of living a life of constant chaos and instability, choose to live a life full of hope, joy and loving relationships.

  3. Are you soft or gentle-hearted?  I don’t mean weak or being a push-over.  I am talking about having a tender heart towards others and yourself.  Forgiveness and grace—especially when we are wrong or wronged.

  4. Who knows you to the core? Are you currently hiding something that you need to let go?  If you are, whether it is loneliness, shame, etc., opening your heart can allow you to take steps forward, not back.  Speak up.  Share your story.

  5. Are you teachable?  A teachable person will always be growing, maturing, changing and constantly remain interested in life.  Humility can go a long way—transformation from the inside out.

  6. Are you ruled by truth or emotion?  There has to be a balance between truth and feelings.  Ultimately, (going back to question 1) what or whom you believe in should make the final decisions.

  7. Are you fearful?  Instead of fearing life, know that you have what it takes to be successful.  If you are constantly asking yourself the “what ifs??” you may be one that constantly fears change—even if you know it would be a positive change.  This is when (going back to number 4) your support system can be a great asset. 

  8. Are you wise with your words?  As a woman, I know gossip and over-communicating can be a struggle.  We must use our words to build up, not break down.  Are you constantly tearing yourself up?  Are you constantly comparing yourself to others?

Yesterday, I had the experience to participate in a local 5k with 4 special H3 guests.  They got outside of their comfort zones, pushed themselves to the finish, cheered each other on, believed in themselves and showed me true character… How will you do the same??

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