H3 Daily

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Top 7 Health and Fitness Trends for 2015

Hilton Head Health, America's #1 Wellness and Weight Loss Resort, has been an industry leader since 1976.  We asked our fitness and nutrition professionals for a prediction of 2015's Top Health and Wellness Trends.  What trends do you think will emerge in 2015?  Let us know if the comments.

7.)  H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) Continues to Grow

High-intensity Interval Training has become mainstream in 2014, but will grow exponentially in 2015.  The exercise that alternates short intense movements with periods of less-intense recovery will become the preeminent form of cardio and strength training.  Our professionals think that it will rank with the likes of basic exercises like cycling, running and swimming in terms of popularity.  CrossFit and similar programs across the country, that make H.I.I.T. a large part of their regimen, will grow their followers.  Often comprised of only a few movements it can generally be done in a short period of time, making it ideal for those on the go.


6.)  Volumetrics - We eat with our eyes...

"Food is big! But let’s make it a good kind of big--using volumetrics," says Chef Karla. Bulking up your favorite foods with delicious and nutritious vegetables will become all the fad. By practicing volumetrics our eyes will be pleased by the size of what’s on our plate and our bodies will be satisfied nutritionally. Everybody wins! Move over cheese, expect your pizzas to now have spinach, onions, mushrooms, peppers, and artichokes. The added vegetables will add volume to the slice of pizza but will actually fill you up with just one slice rather than 2 or 3 slices of cheese pizza.


5.)  “Boomers” will look for trendier versions of fitness

If you were born between 1946 and 1964 you're probably sick of the "Silver Sneakers" chair aerobics routines.  Bob Dylan wasn't kidding when he sang "Forever Young."  The generation's counterculture will reemerge in 2015.  The Boomers want alternatives to low-impact forms of exercise.  They've vowed to spend their "Golden Years"  taking active and adventurous vacations.  So, don't be surprised in January  if you see a 60 year old women bench pressing next you in boot camp class.


4.)  Leftovers will be lifesavers

New and creative ways to reuse last nights dinner will be all the rage on the most popular food blogs. Sautéed vegetables will become vegetable strata, and mashed potatoes will become potato gnocchi.  In order for this to work Chef Karla says to "plan ahead and prepare the majority of your food in the beginning of the week.  Such as on a Sunday; chop vegetables, grill off extra chicken breasts, and cook quinoa.  Then think about cross-utilizing your prepped foods; grilled chicken can turn into a grilled chicken Caesar wrap for lunch another day."


3.)  Fitness/Wellness apps will be the most-used “fitness tool

Every iPhone with iOS 8 is now running a 24/7 analysis of your movement.  And the collection of wrist or hip mounted activity trackers is growing daily.  The health tech revolution is in full swing.  Next year's conversation at the water cooler will be about how many steps you've travel or calories you've burned, rather than last night's prime-time elimination singing show.


2.)  Locavores: Everyone is going local!

Farmer’s Markets, CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Programs, locally manufactured beers and wine. It is trendy to be local! Enjoy this yummy trend, when food is local, it tends to be higher in nutrition content because it is fresh and seasonal. Local foods will add nutritional variety to your diet too, eat with the season and you will see a variety of fruits and vegetables on your plate throughout the year.


1.)  “No Sugar Added” will be the next big-food marketing trend

A national dialogue concerning food addiction will take place based on all the growing evidence on the addictive nature of sugar and it's destructive qualities.  "I predict that people will start making a conscious effort to cut sugar out of their diet," says H3's Wellness Counselor Lisette Cifaldi.  In 2014, Hollywood started the movement.  The lobbyist won't be able to hold back the onslaught in 2015 from consumer groups forcing food makers to start cutting back on the use of sugar.

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