H3 Daily

Friday, April 24, 2015

Hand over the chocolate and Use these 9 Tips from Dr. Pamela Peeke


Hand over the Chocolate and No One gets Hurts was the second of two lectures presented by Dr. Pamela Peeke, our Indigo Spa's April InSPArational Speaker, during her recent stay at Hilton Head Health. Because of how much our Guests enjoyed Dr. Peeke's visit, we wanted to share some of her nuggets of inspiration.

Take on a mindset of gratitude and take time to recreate a new normal for yourself:

1. Be careful when you use the word just, know that it means a justification will follow. Don't fall into the trap. (I won't work out just for tonight. I'll eat un-healthfully just this one time.)

2. Beware of what people say about you, that's their story for you NOT your story for you. When you own your story, you can control your story and not be controlled by what others say about you.

3. There's nothing wrong with a little obsessiveness. Use your obsessiveness to stay accountable to yourself. But don't go overboard. Sometimes, you will need to give yourself some slack.

4. Every lifestyle choice you make matters. Always be crystal-clear with yourself as to why you're doing what you're doing.  Your 'why' should be powerful and personal to you.

Use Dr. Pam's version of K.I.S.S. (Keep It Sublimely Simply) when dealing with how much you eat and what you eat:

5. Think about what works for you. You need to know what does work for you, in order to know what doesn't. A trick to help you figure out what works is to ask yourself two questions before you eat. Honestly answering these questions will help you identify your binge-ables and encourage clear-minded, conscious decisions towards your food choices.

  • Will I feel a loss of control when I eat this?

  • Will I feel shame, blame or guilt after I eat this?

6. The older you are the less food you need to eat. If you're older, eat strategically with low fat and high fiber. Now, it does mean you need to plan this but it will make things so much easier. (Easy meal planning tips right here.)

7. Eat more mindfully. Go slower and take time to savor your food. Enjoy every bite.

Remember these basic building blocks to harness your own success:

8. To be a success, you must have a good sense of humor. Period.

9. Release any feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and defeat. Instead remind yourself of these iconic words: "Believe. Acheive. Succeed." - Florence Griffith Joyner (Flo Jo), Olympic track and field champion.

What is your biggest barrier to acheiving your new happier, healthier lifestyle?

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