H3 Daily

Friday, August 28, 2009


H3 Friends

Thank Goodness I (Have) Friends!  Exercise friends, that is!

Looking back at our wonderful H3 Intern, Allie’s post about the ‘Attitude of Gratitude’, I realized how thankful I am for my exercise buds.

Working in an environment where everyone’s main goal is living a healthy lifestyle, it may seem as though it’s never a struggle to keep up.  However, we are ALL human, and have the occasional bad day.  Well, I recently lost motivation of ALL things healthy due to an injury. 

Fortunately, I had a motivated exercise bud to push me back into the routine.  Without the accountability from others, I would have a hard time pulling myself out of the warmth of my bed at 6:00 a.m. for a 4 mile run. 

Whether you are going to the gym, taking a class or going for an afternoon walk, knowing you have someone counting on you – makes it a lot more likely that you will commit to exercise and follow through.

So, this weekend, call a friend and set a date -- an exercise date! 

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