H3 Daily

Saturday, June 19, 2010

H3 Recipe: Fruity Sangria

Fruity Sangria


This is a special summer drink that really quenches your thirst and adds flavor to your summer hydration.  Using a variety of fruit results in  many different flavors and vitamins.  Look for more refreshing (and low- calorie!) summer drink recipes like our Mango Citrus Lemonade.


H3 Fruity Sangria



            2 cups              Grape Juice, no sugar added

            ½ cup              Cranberry Juice, no sugar added

            1 cup               Orange Juice, no sugar added

            1 cup               Splenda

            1 each              Orange, fresh, sliced, for inside sangria

            1 each              Lemon, fresh, sliced, for inside sangria

            1 each              Lime, fresh, sliced, for inside sangria

            1 pint               Raspberries, or strawberries fresh for inside sangria

            1 gallon           Water

            4 cups              Ice

            Optional          Orange, lemon, and lime slices for garnish

            Optional          Raspberries, strawberries, or grapes for garnish



In large pitcher, place all ingredients.  Stir until well incorporated.  Let mixture sit for an hour in refrigerator.  Serve in individual glasses with fresh fruit for garnish.  Enjoy on a hot summer day!


Serves:  8

Serving Size:  8 ounces

Total Calories:  38


  1. [...] H3 Fruity Sangria is an awesome summer treat that quenches your thirst. [...]

  2. Try substituting that wonderful calorie-free herb- based stevia for splenda. Look at this interesting article about splenda: http://www.womentowomen.com/healthyweight/splenda.aspx
    See web md for information on Stevia.
    Stevia works especially well as a sweetener with tangy foods like lemon and with yogurt.
    A great summer refresher is iced water with lemon, stevia and any herbal tea bag to give it color and flavor.
    Two calories per tall glass!

  3. Merlyn, thanks for your suggestion regarding substituting stevia for splenda. While we are comfortable with the safety of incorporating moderate amounts of splenda in some of our recipies, stevia does have a distinctive flavor that some might enjoy or prefer when used in the H3 Fruity Sangria or other recipies that call for a sweentener.
