Last week I sent a Thanksgiving e-card to my friends: A Chihuahua with a crazed look in its eyes saying “Step Away from the Stuffing!” A cute card with a potentially guilt-inspiring message (unintended on my part!) …
If you over-indulged on Thanksgiving, it may be hard to let go of the guilt and get back on track with your healthy eating and physical activity. Many people succumb to the “I’ve already blown it, so I may as well keep eating” mental pitfall. This all-or-nothing attitude can derail your weight management and fitness progress. To get your mindset back on track:
Keep your temporary setback in perspective. Instead of saying “I’ve totally blown it,” say “Oops, I slipped.” What do you do when you slip and fall down? You get back up. Right away; not next week or next month.
Do the math. Figure out how many extra calories you consumed. If you consume 3500 extra calories, you will gain one pound. Therefore, even if you ate an extra 4000 calories on Thanksgiving Day, which only amounts to a gain of 1.14 lbs – if you get right back on track with your eating and physical activity. If you keep eating for the next two weeks, then you can really gain weight.
Forgive yourself. Instead of saying “I’m so weak. I have no self-control. I’m a failure,” remind yourself “I am human. I chose to eat that 2ndpiece of pie.” You are going to slip occasionally, and that’s normal and ok. What is important is how you respond to that slip. By acknowledging that you chose what to eat (instead of saying you have no control), you can plan to make healthier choices in the future.
Focus on getting back on track. Tell yourself “If I get right back on track and do a little extra exercise this week, I haven’t done much damage. I can still succeed at my weight management goals.”
This week, think about on what small steps you will take to get your eating and physical activity headed back in the right direction. Have a great week!
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