H3 Daily

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Keep a Level Head (and Scale) This Holiday Season

This time of year, my mind is filled with wonderful things like gatherings, giving, family and friends, memories, and traditions…. But there is also a reality of increased stress, deadlines, last minute shopping, heavy crowds, cold weather, minimal daylight and way too much fruit cake, and the fear of packing on the pounds you’ve worked hard all year to lose.  Fortunately, we do have this little something called hope… check out these 4 points to help you keep a level head (and a level scale) during the holidays:

1)    Re-Establish your Goals

  • Consider adjusting your expectations from losing 1-2 pounds per week to 0-1.  Weight maintenance during the holidays can be just as big a success as losing 5 pounds last month.  If you typically gain 5 pounds over the holidays, and you maintain this year, theoretically you’ve lost 5 pounds, considering the track record! 

  • Re-set boundaries for foods like sweets and comfort foods – consider what you feel you can manage without feeling deprived.

  • Set new goals for maintaining your exercise program through the holiday season.  Give yourself an incentive to help motivate you to stick to it.  Remember, it’s that habit you want to keep alive, even if you decide to scale back a bit.

2)    Brainstorm holiday gatherings and come up with a plan

  • Opt to bring a healthy dish to the pitch-in so that you are confident there is something you feel comfortable eating and can share your healthy alternative with others.

  • Do not show up on an empty stomach.

  • Food before alcohol

3)    Carve time out for your special holiday tasks – and set priorities and limits for yourself.

  • Deep cleaning the house (or splurge and have it done for you)

  • Hanging decorations

  • Shopping and gift wrapping

  • Volunteer time

4)    Make time for reflection.

  • Reflect on the gifts, opportunities, and memories you’ve received this year

  • Take time to share your love with friends and family.

  • Think about what new goals and memories you’d like to create for 2011!


From our doors to yours, Happy Holidays, and we are thankful for all the memories you’ve created with us at H3!

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