H3 Daily

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Fitness: 52 Card Pick-Up

deck of cardsAre you finding it difficult to stick to your new year’s resolutions? Being the end of the month, do you need to hit the re-“play” button? Re-energize your new year’s resolutions today! This Fitness Friday we are putting the “play” in replay.  Many of you may recall this dynamic workout from a previous Boot Camp at the Beach week post, if not look no further than a standard deck of cards.

The workout will start with a fully shuffled deck of cards (52 cards). All face cards (Jack, Queen, and King) have a value of 10. Aces have a value of 1. The number cards will be face value (ex. 7 of spades = 7 of the specific spade exercise). Jokers are free cards, meaning the exercise is whatever you chose. Some great ideas for the joker include yet are not limited to: running a lap, climbing the stairs, burpees, etc. For each suite card there is a designated energizing calisthenics exercise. (See exercise list below)

 The object of this workout is to work through the entire deck of cards and within a challenging time frame. Good luck! Remember, it’s FRIDAY…be creative and have fun!

When you see a…

  • Heart – perform the designated number of PUSH-UPS.  Modifications include push-ups from your knees or on the wall.

  • Club – perform the designated number of MOUTAIN CLIMBERS.  To modify, hold a high plank for 30 seconds to a minute.

  • Diamond – perform the designated number of UP/DOWNS.  Jump up, reaching for the sky, land and reach for your ankles or the floor, bending the knees and keeping the weight in your heels.  For a lower intensity version, reach arms up then bend down and touch your ankles; repeat.

  • Spade – perform the designated number of SQUATS.  For a higher intensity modification, do squat thrusts instead.    


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