H3 Daily

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Get H3 Inspired - Deniese M. Chaney

I initially came to Hilton Head Health (H3) back in 2004, when I was looking for a place to help me get back on track. I had just entered my 50s and found that my body was changing—and exercise alone was no longer enough. I didn’t know how to manage and maintain on my own and knew I needed to do something about it.

The first time I came to H3, I stayed for 2-weeks. It was during that stay that I was really able to learn what I SHOULD be doing—I realized I needed a lifestyle change, not just exercise OR nutrition—but rather a combination of the two. Living a balanced, healthy lifestyle was a challenge for me, as my job requires me to travel quite a bit—and trying to keep up with exercise and eat healthy proved to be difficult for me. However, at H3 I was provided tools to help and discovered more about myself. Being the ‘morning person’ I am—I decided to make fitness a priority and knock it out first thing. For example, if I have a 7:30am meeting, I now wake up a couple hours early to get my workout in. Nutrition is still a bit of a challenge for me, but after being at H3, I found that I was able to make healthier selections simply by using Bob’s ‘unwise, better, best’ approach.

Throughout the years and continued changes within my body, I unfortunately put some of the weight back on, so I decided it was time to return to H3. I came back in November of 2010 for Reunion Week—with the goal of establishing a plan for my next few years.

During my second visit, I was given greater understanding of meal planning for the initial weight loss period—the no more than 6 weeks timeframe, at what levels I need to be to continue to gradually lose weight and a plan for longer-term maintenance. I especially felt armed to return home for the upcoming holidays.

One of the most wonderful experiences at H3 is the supportive environment that’s created there. The culture of the program promotes socialization and networking among the Guests—and I found that getting to know and understand how others live and deal with their weight has been very beneficial to me in managing my own.

I’m doing great today and I have a really great support structure at home. Plus I’ve found H3Daily.com to be a great resource for healthy reminders—and recipes. In regards to my fitness, I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older, my tenacity for pushing myself has grown weary, so I joined a gym where I feel comfortable. There I attend fitness classes and have continued my regular personal training sessions which has been great in not only pushing me, but holding me accountable. I hope to return to H3 again for Reunion Week—and this time, I hope to bring a friend!

Deniese M. Chaney, M.P.H, Efland, NC

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