H3 Daily

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stop that train!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been runnin’ and gunnin’ for the past 2 months (or 20!)  So much to do, and so little time and people are now asking what your New Year’s Resolution is…. Really?  Like I’ve had any time to even think about it! 

In business, we analyze our past year; look at what we tried, decide on what worked and what didn’t, and then create our plan for the coming year.  It makes all the sense in our business world to do these things, so why don’t we do them in our personal life?  It’s time to put you first.  You deserve the time to look at your past year and make your plans for this new and exciting year.  But where do we even start?  Here’s some ideas to get you going – don’t forget to write down your thoughts!

  • What is most important in my life right now?  (Family, friends, career, financial stability, spirituality, health, etc.)

  • Paint an ideal picture of what each of these priorities would look like at the end of the year.

  • Select a starting point for each of these values, and write down your first set of 3 month goals.

  • Mark your day-planner or blackberry for the date in which you should readdress these goals and layout your goals for the next 3 months.

  • Decide what you can accomplish in the next week to move toward your first set of goals. And remember, no goal is too small if even an ounce of accomplishment is felt from it.

Great job!  Now that you’ve established your 2011 goals, what steps can you take to help with sticking to your plan?  Here are some suggestions:

  • You’ve already completed one – marking your calendar for your goals review!

  • Share your goals with someone – it makes them feel more real, and you may also learn of some ways others can support you in achieving your goals.

  • Place your written goals in a primary location where you will see them often.

  • Take a moment each week to review what more you can do to work toward the ideal values you’ve created.

  • Acknowledge that no one is perfect.  You may need to readjust to stay on track when things don’t go quite as planned.  

  • Celebrate your accomplishments!  Don’t wait till the end of the year – establish rewards along the way to motivate you to the end!

Good Luck!  Happy New Year’s!  And here’s to a bright and successful 2011!!

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