H3 Daily

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Show our Earth Some Love

Earth Day Chart

Earth Day 2011 is just around the corner! Earth Day is not just about recycling and climate change – it’s about better health. Low levels of pollution have been found to increase asthma risks, lead to inflammation in the blood vessels, and increase the risk of recurring heart attacks. The effects of pollution in regards to respiratory disease, heart disease, and cancer are clearly evident. My question is why has it become socially acceptable to dismiss simple changes that can ultimately improve the quality of our environment and health?

My challenge to you in preparation for Earth Day 2011 is to educate yourself. Follow the simple flow chart above as well as the useful tips below and strive to become healthier and GREENer this Earth Day!  


  • Use only the water you need and reuse when possible.

  • Use biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning products.

  • Dispose of solid and liquid wastes as well as medications safely.


  • Use human powered modes of transportation. (ie. Biking/Walking)

  • Take public transportation or carpool.

  • Keep the right house plants in your home to improve indoor air quality.

  • Buy locally or grow your own food.

  • Plant a tree, or many trees.


  • Use environmentally friendly products.

  • Learn to compost.


  • Limit your use of energy. (Be mindful)

  • Choose energy-saving appliances; (ie.Energy Star).

  • Go renewable! Create your own power from wind, sun, water and biofuels.


Resource: www.epa.gov

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea, go green, and get lean
