H3 Daily

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Take Care of Unfinished Business


With spring on the horizon, my thoughts (but so far, only my thoughts!) have turned to spring cleaning.  My closet is overflowing with clothes and shoes I no longer wear, and I still have books and “Important Papers” in boxes, three years after moving into my house.  The organizational experts claim that a cluttered house is a sign of a cluttered mind.  If that’s really the case, I’m in trouble!  Now is the time to start tackling some of my clutter, one pile or box at a time.  If you want some help getting organized, check out www.flylady.net, recommended by an H3 guest. 

Perhaps even more disruptive than physical clutter is mental clutter—an overload of ideas, issues to consider, threats to worry about.  With mental clutter, you have too much on your mind.  Mental clutter can sap your energy and make it difficult to focus on taking care of yourself.  To reduce this clutter, take care of any unfinished business in your life.  Deal with it one way or another.  Either take care of it, or forget about it.  Make a decision. 

My house, that’s for sale, has a buckling hard wood floor.  For the past two months I’ve been trying to decide whether to repair the floor or carpet over it.  The repair quote—which I received last week--took a month, so I’ve been in limbo.  Meanwhile, I’ve had those darn floors taking up precious mental space.  Time to make a decision and take action!  Taking action usually feels better than being stuck. 

To free up your energy, deal with that project you’ve been avoiding, or make that decision you’ve been putting off.  Schedule that doctor’s appointment or take care of that little rattling noise in your car.  Or decide to let something go.  Perhaps those books can stay in boxes a little longer…

1 comment:

  1. So true! FlyLady.net is such a wonderful, terrific, fabulous website. It has helped me stay organized enough to implement so many of the wonderful things I learned at H3!
