H3 Daily

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Being Mindful of the Journey


Everyone recognizes the importance of goal setting when it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes. In fact, a clear vision of our desired end result is a significant motivator. However, our final goal can often seem so far off and practically unattainable; focusing solely on the goal, while paying little attention to the process, can be paralyzing for many individuals.

Part of what we teach at H3 is the importance of mindfulness -- being present, in the moment. Living a mindful lifestyle is paying attention to the process of achieving our goals. That means we acknowledge with each new day what we weren't able to do the day before. We also acknowledge the gratitude that goes with each new achievement, no matter how small. Appreciation for accomplishing our final goal remains shallow unless we reflect on the journey. That reflection needs to be done on a daily basis in order to get the full benefit.

Paying attention to the journey, as it's happening, is embracing the full measure of the needed change. The change itself becomes your lifestyle when you're mindful. Without the reflection, it is likely that you can see the weight loss while learning little about how you really achieved it. Being mindful of the process allows you to experience the little victories, which then become bigger victories that result in your ultimate victory. Mindfulness produces the momentum you need to cross the finish line.

So what does being mindful of the journey really look like? It’s noticing the sweat on your body and the intensity of your breath during exercise. It's setting your sight far beyond the numbers on the scale. It's taking pride that after just two weeks at H3 you went from a zero incline and 2 miles per hour in Treading Class to an incline of 14. It's getting through an entire Cardio-Boxing class without having to sit down, feeling like you want to throw up but inwardly smiling from the seemingly impossible accomplishment. It's trying something completely new like yoga, whole grains, or Bootcamp and realizing you enjoy it. It's noticing the subtle changes in your attitude, outlook and mood as you move forward. It's paying attention to the feelings that surface as you shed old, dysfunctional coping strategies. It’s starting to live in your body instead of in your head.

If you think about it, all we really have is this moment anyway. We are not guaranteed of the next moment or tomorrow even. So why sell yourself short of the daily gratitude that comes from living in the journey instead of an uncertain future? In short, paying attention to the journey, moment by moment, is giving yourself permission to experience the rewards of success everyday instead of months down the line


  1. Inspiring! I will think about living in my moment beginning with small accomplishments to be proud of...thanks

  2. I agree whole heartedly Lisette! By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals, and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self-confidence, as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you've set.

  3. This is really inspirational! So many times we get caught up in our long term goals that we lose sight of our daily accomplishments. Living each moment with meaning is a great way to achive those long term goals .

  4. I like the focus of this article on setting your mind to the process of achieving your goals. I always notice that people get caught up in setting their goals, but never achieving them because they do not have subgoals. By focusing on the process you generate subgoals for yourself that help you reach your final goal. This is something that makes a lot of sense once you read it, but would not generally think about. Very well written.
