H3 Daily

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Get Fooducated

A guest recently made me aware of a new app that sounds pretty interesting. It’s called Fooducate.

Pick a product off the shelf in the store, scan the bar code and Fooducate gives you a nutritional breakdown of the products, assigns it a letter grade ( A would an excellent choice, D not so good) and when available, suggests more nutritious options with in that food’s category. According to the website, Fooducate was created by dieticians and concerned parents. It has a data base of over 200,000 products and more are being added daily. It uses your mobile phone’s camera to scan the UPC barcode and works on the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Android OS version 2.2 and up.

Since I am still in the dark ages of cell phones, I have not used the app myself. I have talked to a couple of people who have used it, however, and they found it helpful. If you have it or get it, I would be interested in in hearing what you think about it.

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