H3 Daily

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Developing A Training Team

As H3 Housing Coordinator, many of you have probably spoken with Kelly Milgie during your stay at H3. Kelly has also made an appearance on H3Daily before in her post on becoming a vegetarian. Now, read about Kelly’s newest endeavor—tackling a 10K!

One of the many perks of working at H3 is that when you decide you want to do something completely out of your element, you have support from the entire team! Everyday I am surrounded by fitness specialists, culinary experts and all around wonderful people who are excited to help me with all of my fitness, nutrition and SELF goals! 

Before joining the H3 family, I wasn’t very big into running – in fact, I am not sure I was even able to run one mile without stopping. This past fall a lot of our guests were doing 5k run / walks on the weekends and it inspired me to run my first 5K.  In October, a group of the H3 employees signed up to do the Bluffton Oyster Run 5k and although I was extremely nervous, I joined them.  I had a ton of support from my family, friends and of course coworkers, which made me really excited about my first race.  I did not give myself a time goal; instead, my goal was to finish the race without stopping – which I did! This was such an exciting day for me and the second the race was over I knew I wanted to sign up for another one!

A couple of months ago Allison Adams (our Guest Services Manager) asked me if I would join her for the Charleston 10k Bridge Run – I looked at her like she was crazy! Since then, Amy Kelderhouse (an H3 @ Home Coach) sat down with me and prepared a training program (see below).  Part of the program has me running three times a week, one of which is a “long run”.  What is awesome about this training program is that every week I run further than I ever have before in my life! This week I am scheduled to do 5.5 miles – something I never would have had the confidence to attempt prior to now. 

My 10k Training Plan:










stretch & strength

2.5 m run

30 min cross

2.0 m run + strength


40 min cross

3 m run


stretch & strength

2.5 m run

30 min cross

2.0 m run + strength


40 min cross

3.5 m run


stretch & strength

2.5 m run

35 min cross

2.0 m run + strength


50 min cross

4 m run


stretch & strength

3 m run

35 min cross

2.0 m run + strength


50 min cross

4 m run


stretch & strength

3 m run

40 min cross

2.0 m run + strength


60 min cross

4.5 m run


stretch & strength

3 m run

40 min cross

2.0 m run + strength


60 min cross

5 m run


stretch & strength

3 m run

45 min cross

2.0 m run + strength


60 min cross

5.5 m run


stretch & strength

3 m run

30 min cross

2.0 m run + strength



10-K Race

Amy has even unofficially adopted me as one of her Coaching clients and checks in on me often.  She has been giving me stretching techniques and tips, but most importantly she has encouraged me every step of the way! Every week after my long run I text her an update on how I did; and no matter how I feel about that run, she always sends me more words of encouragement!  I also have great support from Allison who runs the bridge on Hilton Head and does cross training classes with me. This experience has taught me how important it is to surround myself with people who want to see me succeed. If it were not for the support I receive from Amy and Allison, I am not sure I would be mentally ready for this 10k.

When I signed up for the 10k, I decided to make running a priority.  Since I am not a runner by nature, it is imperative I train numerous times a week.  My goal is the same as it was for my first 5k – to finish without stopping.

I am not a fitness specialist; I am a regular person like most of you reading this blog. If I can train for a 10k, anyone can! What fitness goals do you have? Search your resources and support system; utilize what you have to help you reach your goals. My 10k is scheduled for March 31st. Stay tuned for how it all works out in my next blog post!

Are you training for a race? We'd love to hear about it! Share your success with us on Facebook and Twitter. Don't forget to tag Hilton Head Health is your pictures! FYI: Registration for Devin's Dash 2012 is up and running! Get the details on this year's race right here on H3Daily.


  1. 5Ks are a 'gateway' drug to bigger races. No question that the next race distance is always out there as a goal. Before you know it, Jeff and Amy have you in a 1/2 marathon! Great job and I look forward to your post about your awesome race!

  2. Lyle,
    Thank you for your words of encouragement! I am feeling very confident and ready for my 10k! Amy is already trying to talk me into running a 1/2 marathon - you know us all too well!

  3. You are going to rock it out in Charleston!!! Thankful for you and the way you inspire me to keep on running!! Excited to run the bridge next to you...along with the 40,000 other runners hehe

  4. [...] For those of you who read my last blog post, you may remember I have been training for my first 10K.  I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run 10K on March 31 and am proud to say I survived!  Though the day did not go as smoothly as I had hoped, after 01:06:40 and I crossed the finish line! [...]

  5. Hey Kelly,
    Way to go. 15K next??
