H3 Daily

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tiny Seed... Big Benefits

Flax seed contains many healthy components. Some call it one of the most healthy plant sources on the planet! There is evidence that flax seed can help lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and work as a laxative. Flax seed is available ground or as a whole seed.
It packs so many great health benefits, now how do you incorporate flax into your daily diet?
1. Start Your Day Right! Sprinkle ground flax seed onto your normal breakfast cereal, or yogurt and berries—or try something different and add 1 teaspoon of ground flax seed to the H3 Eyeopener Oatmeal.

2. Dress it up! Add ground flax seed to your favorite salad dressing. Try the H3 Mirin Flax recipe. This salad dressing is amazing; it has a sweet taste with a zesty Asian flair.

3. Bake it! Enrich baked goodies with ground flax seed. Mix 1 teaspoon of ground flax seed into muffin or pancake batter. (Avoid the halo effect; the calories will still count despite the added fiber.) The H3 Banana Flax Muffin is a great recipe to try out for fun!

4. Shake it up! Your afternoon MetaboMeal is begging for a flax smoothie! In a blender, blend your favorite fruit, low-fat plain yogurt, skim milk and ground flax. Boom! You have a delicious, easy and healthy treat!

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