H3 Daily

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coaching Corner: Are You Thriving?

Yesterday, I was sent a copy of the book, “Organize your Mind, Organize your Life” co-authored by Margaret Moore (Coach Meg), the leader of ACSM’s WellCoaches Program and Certification. I am very excited to delve into the first Chapter this weekend because, to the simplest effect, Coach Meg knows how to provide perspective. I truly enjoy reading books that provide perspective on self-improvement and novels that provide insights on creating change within my life. I’m honestly not one of those readers that can go fiction because I believe we only have so many hours and years to become our best selves. Also, I believe that we all exhibit such potential in what we can get out of our lives and that when we start to lose sight of that and get complacent with our status, we aren’t truly living.

Along those lines, would you say that you’re currently thriving in your life? Do you know the difference between thriving and happiness? Like happiness, it’s different for each and every one of us, but I believe thriving is more distinct and powerful. As Coach Meg describes it in the video below, thriving is life with a deeper living. For me, thriving has richer meaning from the standpoint that I am getting the most out of my life, my strengths and my capabilities. It’s pushing the limits, doing things that I didn’t even think were possible and inspiring others to create change.

After watching Meg’s clip, post your top three values that allow you to thrive! What sets you on fire? What are your driving forces? What lights up your eyes?

Thriving Jeff…

#1: Making a difference in the lives of others.

#2: Inspiring thru strength, health, and fitness milestones.

#3: Connecting socially and mentally with who I truly am.

Check out my personal blog for more detail on these thrive attributes…

1 comment:

  1. Nice video clip. I'll check out the book.
