H3 Daily

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coaching Corner: Understanding why we do things

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Personally, I think it’s quite an interesting one. We are all so very diverse and seem to set out to achieve such different things in life that it’s almost an impossible question to answer without some deep though. Why do we set out to achieve certain things in life? What really motivates us to pursue a unique dream? I think when we understand the “Why” behind our actions it assembles us with the true empowerment and control needed to accomplish.
I am recently getting back from a H3@Work Corporate Wellness Kick-Off event with EmployIndy, a rock-star company located in the heart of Indianapolis. I think that’s why I find myself asking this question again. We had an outstanding day filled with lectures and activities that I believe focused all around this very question. Many of us struggle with motivation when attempting to make changes in our life, but what I’m getting at here is that we don’t only have to know what and how to change something we have to know WHY.

A big part of achieving something in our lives has to do with knowing the reasons behind the change. How will your life will be different? What will you notice about how you feel each day if that goal is achieved?

Not only did this question hit home with the group on Thursday, but I am thinking it’s come about because I am now 7 days out from my first ever full distance Ironman Event. I find myself asking WHY?
Endurance events are a huge part of my life and I believe I am successful at them because I do fully understand the several reasons of WHY I push myself to the last drop. These events provide serenity for me to express myself. I see them as the stages for getting the most out of my life. Not only seeing if it is possible, but suffering to the point where it makes me a better person. Above all, the WHY here is so that I can improve my confidence. Someone once told me “Everything that we do in here makes us better out there.” He’s absolutely right.

When I cross that finish line, I’ll know that I am a better person than I was yesterday. I’ll know that my confidence will skyrocket even further into other dimensions of my life. I will truly be able to say that my ETA (estimate time of arrival) to my ultimate best self has been reduced. However, above all, I’ll know that the past guests that are coming to support on this day truly believe that I am an Ironman.
My event will be starting at 7am EST time on August 26th 2012 in Louisville, KY. Feel free to track the entire 12hour event from you home at www.ironmanlive.com or www.ironmanlouisville.com. Hopefully it only takes 12 hours!!
A big thank you to all of you who’ve believed in me supported me along this journey. I don’t think would have ever had a WHY behind taking on this challenge without you all!
See Amber’s old Ironman post here…Hilarious video!


  1. I thought my life was bad until I watched that video... You Are The Man Jeff! Good Luck! I am going to have to look at my itinerary for the trip home. May need to go through Louisville.

  2. We loved having you in Indy, Jeff! Since you left there has been a lot of conversation about WHY our muscles are so sore. The answer must be that you can have a killer "no excuses" workout in 8 minutes!

  3. Kevin! Very excited you are rerouting on my behalf. We'll get you set up with all the wonderful people supporting me. Brooke! Happy to hear people were quite sore from the 8minutes. I am glad they know the WHY on that one!

  4. [...] Tuesday. 8.21 THE $50 FOR RET AND DEVIN GOES AWAY BY 8/23!!! SIGN UP, PEEPS!! Sweet Quote: “Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.” – George Bernard Shaw And, for a good read from a great guy, scroll all the way down and click the link. WU: 2 minutes of double-under practice. 3 rounds of: 10 PVC passthroughs 10 PVC good mornings 10 PVC OHS MOB: Shoulders (addressing IR). T-spine. Hips. Calves/Ankles. REVIEW: OHS. KB SWING. WOD: Strength: OHS 3-3-3-3. Rest as needed. Conditioning: 3 rounds for reps of: AMRAP in 1 minute of KB swings 70#/53# AMRAP in 1 minute of sit-ups AMRAP in 1 minute of double-unders Record your total # of reps to board. LIII: 53/44 LII: 35/18 LI: DB or KB of choice PWOD MOB: Calves. Lax ball in C/S/B/G. Shoulder band stretch. CFE: Wu: 800m (2nd 400m taped) OTF – Leg Swings – Hurdles Runner Mobility Skill: Back 2 wall drill 2 x 50m @ 96 Cadence 2 x 200m @ 92 Cadence 5 single leg pulls per leg then SRINT 2x Run: 8 x 400m, rest 2 minutes, hold 2-3sec LII: 6 x 400m, rest 2 minutes LI: 6 x 400m, rest 3 minutes CD: Strength 30 Deadlifts @60% *Move the weight fast and with good technique! Stretch Hamstrings, roll out low body Do you understand why you do things? [...]
