H3 Daily

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Fitness: 3 Killer Kettlebell Exercises

The kettlebell is a cast iron weight that resembles a cannonball with a handle.  It was originally developed by a Russian in the 1700s as part of his physical training and conditioning program.  The Soviet army began using the device in the 20th century to help make sure their troops were well prepared.  The device itself didn’t make it to the states until the 1960s when Pavel Tsatsouline started offering instruction and in 2001 began formally training instructors.  You can now find this simple exercise tool at most gyms.  Check out my video for 3 killer kettlebell exercises.

1 comment:

  1. […] for stopping by our blog. Try to incorporate the kettlebell in your next workout. Be sure to remember our tips to ensure you have a safe, effective […]
