H3 Daily

Monday, December 28, 2009

McDonalds has FREE Wifi – Email Your Cardiologist Right From The Table!


Now that’s convenience!  The Wall Street Journal has said it best, McDonalds is trying to transform from “hamburger to hangout”.  It turns out that McDonalds will soon be offering free Wifi (wireless internet) from over 14,000 locations across the United States.  In the past the service would cost up to  $2.95 per two hour session.  My gosh, all we need is a reason to spend more time at one of the most notoriously unhealthy fast-food joints.  What’s next?  I’m imagining that the only semblance of physical activity, the playground, may be replaced by an arcade of sedentary video games.


But, I’ve got to give it to them.  They are known for their savvy marketing techniques.  This is the company that brought us the phrases, “I’m Lovin’ it!” and the oldie but goodie, “Twoallbeefpattiesspecialsaucelettucecheesepicklesonionsonasesameseedbun.”  They brought us the comical clown icon to entice our kids and the playground to keep them begging for more.  FYI…  It’s predicted that 1 in 3 kids born after 2000 will have diabetes and of minorities the number increases to 1 in 2.


What happened to the sitting around the table and enjoying a meal as a family?  How long will this fast-food lifestyle continue?

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