H3 Daily

Friday, December 4, 2009

Take the Breakfast Challenge

Here at H3, we are making December the month for our very own ‘breakfast challenge’.  As part of our employee wellness program, this month marks the first mission. 

Why don’t you take the challenge with us?  Try eating a healthy breakfast at least 5 times a week. 


Here’s why…

Eating a balanced breakfast is important for your body in so many ways.  Not only does it jumpstart your metabolism, but gives you a chance to start the day with a healthy and nutritious meal. 

When you eat a healthy breakfast, you’re more likely to:

- Eat more vitamins and minerals

- Eat less fat and cholesterol

- Have better concentration and productivity throughout the morning

- Control your weight

- Have lower cholesterol, which reduces your risk of heart disease


Now that you know why you should eat a healthy breakfast, you may be wondering what counts as ‘healthy’. 

A healthy, balanced breakfast consists of:

Whole grains.  Examples include: oatmeal, whole-grain cereals (like Fiber One, Kashi Go Lean), whole-grain rolls, English muffins, and granola

Low-fat protein/dairy.  Examples include: eggs, egg whites, soy milk, skim milk, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese

Fruits and Vegetables.  These can be added to compliment the above, for example: fresh berries, bananas and apples in cereal or hot oatmeal and peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes in an omelet.


A combination of each will provide the right amount of complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein and a small amount of fat to keep you full and satisfied through the morning.  Try to choose one or two options from each for a well balanced breakfast. 


A Few Quick & Easy Options

- Cooked oatmeal with almonds or dried cranberries 

- Cold cereal topped with blueberries or a banana 

- Multi-grain pancakes with fruit and yogurt  

- A whole-grain waffle with peanut butter and banana 

- Egg white omelet with peppers and mushrooms

- Low-fat yogurt, granola and fruit


[Source: Mayo Clinic: Healthy Breakfast]

1 comment:

  1. [...] December, the employees at Hilton Head Health embarked on their own mission to living a healthier [...]
