H3 Daily

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's In The Bag: How to Avoid Gaining Weight while Traveling


Worried about gaining weight when you travel?  Try packing your luggage a bit differently.


We’d all deem it a whopping success if we could return from travel weighing the same amount we did before we left.  But when you’re on the road, you’re under more stress than other times.  So much so that we lose sight of our plan and give ourselves an excuse to go wild.  Could keeping the pounds off be as simple as how we pack our luggage?  I think so…

One of my favorite authors Malcolm Gladwell, author of the Tipping Point, coined a phrase called “The Power of Context.”  It simply states that human behavior is sensitive to and strongly influenced by its environment.  If you can create an atmosphere while traveling that reverberates your passion for health and fitness you’d be more likely to succeed. 

So, here’s what I suggest.  Create a checklist of items you’ll pack into your luggage (or use mine from below).  From now on when you pack your luggage start by packing all your leisure and/or business items and toiletries.  Finally, you’ll use your checklist to pack all the health and fitness items at the top. 

When you arrive at your destination put your luggage up on the bed and carefully unload the items to a strategic location around your room.  For example, the fitness clothing can be placed on the night stand, tennis shoes and socks near the dresser, resistance band at the base of the bed and fitness handouts on the coffee table.  Create an environment while traveling that will remind you of health and fitness.  I guarantee that you’ll do better than you had in the past.

My Travel List:

       Index Card With Three S.M.A.R.T Goals

       Tennis Shoes/Socks

       Fitness Shorts/Shirts

       Sports Watch

       IPod and Charger

       Travel Routine Handout

       Resistance Bands

       Kashi Bars

       Instant Oatmeal

       Swim Suit/Cap/Goggles


       Small Bag of Nuts/Seeds

       Water Bottle

       Workout DVDs


Is there anything else you would add?

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