H3 Daily

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Get H3 Inspired—Darlene Beilfuss

My weight loss journey started last Christmas. I made a trip to California to visit my family and friends and it had been about 4 years since they had seen me. The trip was miserable.  I was embarrassed about my weight gain and my appearance. Arthritis had crept into what seemed every joint of my body and was a constant reminder that every step was painful. Everyday life had become a burden I could no longer endure. I was stuck in a downward spiral. I felt helpless and hopeless. Everyone was concerned for my health. At 55-years-old I was unable to enjoy life and participate in anything I once enjoyed. Where to go from here I wondered? There has to be something out there that can save my life.

After returning home, I started watching the Heavy series that was running on the A&E network. I watched every episode multiple times and became convinced that Hilton Head Health was my answer. I spent hours on their website and finally got the courage to call and ask about the H3 Extended & Intensive 6-month program. I spoke to Jessica Noble who quickly calmed me down and explained in detail about the program and assured me that I could do it and be successful. All I had to do was get there.  After gathering my courage and my family’s support, I made the call back to Jessica and committed to the 6-month program.

My first day at H3 was May 23, 2011. My weight was dangerously high and my health assessment numbers were not good either. High blood pressure, high sugar, high resting pulse and my measurements were that of a very large box! Helpless and hopeless was replaced with helpful and hopeful for the first time in years! From that first day I was surrounded with constant support, encouragement and the chance to focus on myself and getting my health back. Everyone there was completely invested in my success. They were all committed to helping me help myself. From the outstanding lectures on healthy lifestyle, the amazing food and so many different exercise classes to choose from, I was in it for the long haul and gave it my all. I worked out with Amy, Amber and Katie more hours than I can count but worth every minute.  Being totally committed to the program allowed me to replace my bad habits with healthy ones. Eating and physical activity was only part of it. I had to learn to love myself again. That’s where my life coach Bob Wright and therapist Beth stepped in.  Weekly sessions are part of the H3 Intensive program and were instrumental in me changing the way I felt about myself. I got rid of all the negative self-talk that played over and over in my head. As the numbers dropped on the scale, my mobility increased tenfold. I was swimming, riding a bike, doing all kinds of exercise classes, not to mention doing all of those things pain free! From eating the healthy fresh food and participating in the fitness classes, my arthritis had disappeared. That in itself was dramatic and life changing.

At my final weigh in [after 3-months onsite] I had dropped 50 pounds. My size 26/28 exercise clothes were long gone and replaced with size 18! My blood pressure was normal, blood sugar was out of the pre-diabetes danger zone, and my resting pulse went down from 86 to 74. My daughter  joined me for my last week there and seeing how proud she was of my accomplishments made it all worth it. I like to say I left enough sweat and tears to fill the pool at H3, but what I took away was life changing. My husband is so proud of me. He got his wife back and says I look 10 years younger. I certainly feel ten years younger. There are no restrictions on life anymore. I get up in the morning and look at the possibilities; a far cry from counting the hours down until I would be forced to get something done. My H3 journey continued on for 3 more months as I participated in the H3@Home Coaching program. My coach Amy was there every step of the way ensuring my success continued. Since being home I have been able to lose 15 more pounds. I joined a great gym and work out regularly. I walked in my first 5K, have done lots of biking and swimming too. This fall I spent hiking in the beautiful Kentucky Red River Gorge area.

What a difference a year can make. We just got home from a week in Cancun, Mexico. This was our family vacation that had been on hold for years, waiting for me to lose weight and get in shape. There are no words to describe how great I felt doing everything my family wanted to without any restrictions; no sitting on the sidelines watching anymore. I went bicycling, swimming, visited the ancient Mayan ruins, even went snorkeling and it was all amazing!

Without my time at H3 none of this would have been possible, I am sure of that. If you are looking for an answer, look no further. Go to H3 and Get Inspired; it’s never too late to change your life.

-Darlene Beilfuss; Fisherville, KY


  1. So proud of you Darlene!! Truly inspirational : )

  2. Darlene, I checked out the day you arrived. I wish I could have been there with you as you would have been an awesome gym partner with your attitude! Keep it up. I had just a month onsite but have kept it rolling since coming home. Every day is a new experience with those pounds gone! CONGRATS!

  3. Hey Darlene! I had the pleasure of meeting you and your daughter and seeing your last few days at H3 and bearing witness to what was by then an already amazing transformation. You look and sound great. Really well done! Allison, UK

  4. I know you met many people on your journey, and I was one. I was in awe that you had stayed the three months and was impressed by how well you had done. I can only wish that your story will help me with ny drive and dedication.
    Happy new year!

  5. Hi Darlene...... It's Karen and Trevor Witt. We were the ones with you for the month of July of this year. congrads... I'm so glad your doing well. Since I've been home I lost another 23 pounds for a total of 52 pounds by Christmas of this year. I can do more things and on January 1st want to continue my road with Amy to loose another 50 pounds. I will be going back at the end of May for 2 weeks with my husband to continue my journey to reach my goal. The heavy program inspired me also to go to Hilton Head Health. Wish you all the best in the year 2012 and keep in touch. Love ya.

  6. Hi Darlene...Great story and congrats at carrying on. My wife Karen and I met you at H3 last July...we are still on track also. Have a great New Year and wishing you continued success!
    Trev Witt
