H3 Daily

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sharing Success: Debbie Winter

Please comment on how H3@Home Coaching has benefitted you in any of the following areas: appearance, motivation, energy, exercise habits, eating habits, sleep, self-esteem or stress.

I feel better than I have in years. After years of feeling intimidated by gyms and health clubs, and embarrassed at exercise classes – my stay at H3 gave me the foundation to have a little confidence- especially the “intro to the
weight machines” by Adam and my one personal training session with Jeff.

If I had not had that face to face session with Jeff I think I would not have been comfortable starting with such a
Young coach – but he instantly put me at ease in our initial phone session, and I soon realized he was a true
professional wiser than his years – and I never thought about his young age again.

I truly look forward to exercising now and try to find the positive in any bad situation – following Jeff’s examples.
I am still working on my self-esteem and eating habits but know that I look better than I did a decade ago. I realize
the importance of getting enough sleep now – and now listen to my body when it’s time to give up and go to bed.
Life does get in the way sometimes – especially when I am blindsided, but my coach reminds me that each day is
a new day – and always reminds me to look for the positives.

Stress is always around the corner and I am still learning to deal with it in the best way for me.

What successes can you attribute to wellness coaching and the continued at-home support?

For many years I wanted to swim in a particular marathon and this summer I finally signed up for an ocean swim marathon – and although I didn’t complete it – I know that if I weren’t struggling with unexpected health issues at
the time of the marathon I would have been able to finish as I did in practice swims. Looking at the positive of it –
I didn’t pull out before the race – and I showed up in my bathing suit and did not cover up with jeans and a long shirt
as usual.

I do look forward to setting new goals and have signed up for a 5K next month.

How has wellness coaching impacted your behaviors/lifestyle at home?

Wellness coaching reminds me that I deserve to do something for myself each day whether it is exercising, meditating or nothing at all. I understand that I can accomplish more if I set myself a goal and follow the steps to achieve it.

I am no longer a door-mat. I have found a way to crawl out of my deep-dark hole that I buried myself in for years.
I am actively seeking professional help for co-dependency and although I am still very scared of the future, I plan
on getting my life in order and to say “no more” to the chaos it had become.

I also learned that I do not have to wear a fake “happy mask” and pretend to be happy all the time to everyone, and
I can share my true feelings for they are mine to share.

1 comment:

  1. The H3 program with the guidance of Jeff Ford has helped me to “face” the devil of my ever moving life style and how it affects my health! Jeff and I have work week by week in small changes that have make a big impact on my health: going early to bed, cooking at home, drinking enough water in a day, finding time to relax at least once a day, re-connecting with friends, planning for exercises classes and of course, setting up 5K’s goals. We have had great conversations about fitness, exercise, eating habits and future plans for 2012. Presently, our focus is on developing and exercise rutting while I am working at the computer. Hey sounds challenging? … It will happen because my coach likes to challenge himself!
