H3 Daily

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fitbit vs. Nike [INFOGRAPHIC]

The age of activity tracking devices is upon us.  Behold the newest addition to the family, the Fitbit Flex!  Earlier this week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Fitbit announced their latest product that will start shipping this spring. The Flex is a wristband tracker similar in form to the Nike Fuelband but with a much more hipster look and checking-in at $50 less.  The Flex also syncs to your iPhone or Android device in real-time, unlike the Fuelband.  So, without further ado let’s take a detailed look at the top three activity monitors on the market.


I am disappointed that Fitbit didn’t include a clock interface on the Flex and the omission of the altimeter to count steps is frustrating. But, I’m still partial to Fitbit since their app and online interface include meal tracking software.  If in the future Nike were to incorporate a food database for journaling I would probably teeter my support toward the sports giant. 

Let us know in the comments: Which device are you going to buy?  And, why?

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