H3 Daily

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Stay C.A.L.M.

Living in the present moment cultivates awareness, compassion, gratitude and health. Physically we become stronger; mentally we become clearer; and spiritually we become connected. In the present moment we are balanced, grounded and healthy. Yet, more often than not we choose to live in the future and/or in the past. Re-focusing our minds on the present moment, allows us to accept ourselves right NOW. It allows us to bring awareness to our actions, to proceed with our intentions, and to live more healthfully. An acronym I always come back to when re-centering myself on the present moment is CALM. It simply stands for:

C: Center

A: Accept

L: Let-go

M: Move-on  

It’s not too late to spark the moment today. The year has only just begun. Instead of living in the chaos of the past, the fear of the future, intend to ignite the CALM in each moment. Instead of telling you how to live in and experience "the present moment," today my intention is to invite you to examine your own “moments.” Begin with an intention today to recognize each moment. Start by bringing your attention to the sensations in your body.

  • Breathe.

  • Notice the sensations of each inhalation and exhalation.

  • Notice the rise and fall of your belly.

  • Begin a task.

  • Engage your senses fully. Notice each sight, touch and sound that presents itself in that task and or moment.

Journal your moments or a single moment today. Then at the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on your moment/s. Hopefully, as a result of “living more healthFULLY in the moment” you will have embarked on a little more CALM-physically, mentally, figuratively and literally!

Below are some of my experiences of living in the present moment.

When I live in the present moment, I am joyful in expression.

When I live in the present moment, I am strong.

When I live in the present moment, I enjoy the taste of one bite of healthful nourishment I am feeding my body.

When I live in the present moment, I am grateful and appreciative.

When I live in the present moment, I am peaceful and calm.

When I live in the present moment, I am true to myself.

When I live in the present moment, nature becomes inspiring.

When I live in the present moment, my intuition is loud and clear-fear is dismissed.

When I live in the present moment, my heart opens.

When I live in the present moment, I hear my soul sing.

When I live in the present moment, no task is too overwhelming.

When I live in the present moment, every cell in my body awakens.

When I live in the present moment, my body thrives.

When I live in the present moment, my mind is in balance with my body.

When I live in the present moment, my body is in balance with my mind.

When I live in the present moment, I am healthy.

When I live in the present moment I am happy, joyful and free.

What does living in present moment cultivate for you? What are your experiences today?

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