Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Wellness Wednesday: Fat-Shaming Leads to Weight Gain
I have long since known that people commenting on my weight, or rather my excess weight, very often translates into a desire to eat. It sounds counter-intuitive. You would think that negative comments about your weight would create enough shame and guilt to produce the motivation to want to fix the problem. However, the shame, guilt, anger, and resentment associated with such comments actually have a tendency to drive me, and similar individuals, further into the dysfunctional eating.
A recent study done at the Florida State University College of Medicine actually supports the above phenomenon. Overweight people who face weight discrimination and fat-shaming are likely to eat more, exercise less, and have a higher chance of ending up obese. The study found that overweight individuals, not classified as obese, who were subjected to stigmatization because of their weight over a four year period were two and a half times more likely to end up obese than those individuals that were not fat-shamed or stigmatized about their weight. The study also revealed that those individuals who were obese at the beginning of the study were also three times more likely to still be obese after four years if they were faced with weight discrimination.
The researchers suggested, “There is robust evidence that internalizing weight-based stereotypes, teasing and stigmatizing experiences are associated with more frequent binge eating.” In light of this new evidence, I believe it is important to look at how some public health campaigns focused on battling the obesity epidemic can clearly be interpreted as fat-shaming. The billboards above are a prime example.
I believe that as a nation we need to start finding the compassion necessary to help people who struggle with their weight. Clearly no one sets out to purposively become obese. Why would anyone knowingly subject themselves to a life of teasing, shame, and suffering? The obese wear the results of an overwhelming compulsion on their body. Would we be so quick to make fun of a person grappling with OCD or the struggling alcoholic?
Help get the word out about the detrimental effects of fat-shaming by sharing this blog or the link below.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Coaching Corner: Weighing in on the Paleo Diet
That being said, we can take a look at some features of the Paleo diet and where it (and other high protein diets) may or may not meet the needs you desire in an overall healthy lifestyle plan. Keep in mind that each of the high-protein diets emphasizes different focus foods, but for purposes of this article we will concentrate on the Paleo diet.
The Paleolithic diet, also popularly referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet, is a modern nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that various hominid species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic era—a period of about 2.5 million years which ended around 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture and grain-based diets. In common usage, such terms as "Paleolithic diet" also refer to the actual ancestral human diet. Centered on commonly available modern foods, the contemporary "Paleolithic diet" consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar, and processed oils.
The primary concern behind the Paleo diet is that it relies so heavily on things that are unproven. In other words, the fundamentals of the diet are based on what historical experts believe our cavemen ancestors ate based on what little physical or documented evidence has been made available to us. Essentially, the diet is based on a handful of historical studies of ancestral hunter-gatherer societies combined with conjectured theory. The truth of the matter is that we do not truly have a fully comprehensive understanding of the caveman’s diet from where and how the food was collected, how it was prepared, and what specific foods were eaten and which ones were avoided.
There is really no way to pinpoint the exact “caveman diet”, since the individual diets of our caveman ancestors were no doubt highly dependent on their location and surroundings. For example, it has been recorded that cavemen indigenous to European areas had diets that were dominated by meat and animal foods due to lack of plant availability. Meanwhile, it has been noted that the diets of cavemen ancestors indigenous to African countries consisted of approximately 67% plant food and only 33% animal foods, which certainly differs from the diets of European cavemen. Clearly, factors such as weather, animal life, plant life, and other external forces of different regions throughout the world influenced dietary patterns. So, which do we follow? How can we ascertain the “official” diet of a caveman?
Even if we could pinpoint the precise diet of our cavemen ancestors, there is no way that we can accurately replicate it. Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced and cost-efficient society, we are at the mercy of modern food production mechanisms which are, to say the least, varied quite a bit from what cavemen would have consumed, or even have had access to. Lets consider some of the most commonly purchased and consumed items from grocery stores: canned vegetables, canned soups, packaged butter, yogurt, and other dairy products, packaged pre-cooked meats, and scads of other items that are pre-prepared, pre-packaged, and loaded with chemicals, additives, preservatives, food colorings, and all sorts of other artificial ingredients that our ancestors had never even heard of. Even many of the foods we think of as being “whole” foods are not always what they seem. Our “farm-grown” mammals are raised on grass treated with artificial fertilizers, as well as a range of genetically modified corn and wheat products. Plus, once the animals are killed, cut, and prepped for distribution to stores, additional hormones, salts, and other artificial flavorings are typically added. This is often true even in the cases of meat that is labeled as “organic” or “free-range”. Additionally, our “farm-grown” fruits and vegetables are commonly loaded with pesticides and other spray chemicals to help give them longer shelf lives in the stores, and several types of fruits and veggies are pumped with food colorings to make them look riper and more appetizing. This is especially true for red fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and strawberries. None of our cavemen ancestors would have encountered these elements in their foods, which needless to say, makes the idea of replicating their diet moot.
The Paleo diet really pushes protein – in the form of meat, meat, and more meat. While it promotes leaner, healthier meats like chicken and turkey, it promotes the intake of very high amounts, which is inconsistent with the typical recommended amount of protein that the average individual needs each day. In fact, it is said that without even consciously trying, the average individual already likely meets the daily-recommended intake of protein, which is around 46 grams for women above age 19, and 56 grams for men above age 19. That can be fulfilled through 1 cup of 2% milk (8 grams), 1 3-ounce piece of chicken (21 grams), 1 cup of dry beans (16 grams), and 1 8-ounce container of plain yogurt (11 grams). Clearly, it doesn’t necessitate extreme efforts to meet, or even exceed, the daily-recommended amount of protein. The other important factor to consider is the serious consequences of severely restricting carbohydrates while overloading on protein. When these circumstances are present the kidneys and liver work overtime producing high quantities of ketone laced urine, while the adrenal glands are stressed to the max. When you excrete ketones, they take sodium, potassium and magnesium with them, which are vital to heart, muscle and bone health. Additionally, passing up legumes (ex. beans, lentils, peas, peanuts) and grains (ex. wheat, rice, oats, corn, barley) results in missing out on a whole range of nutrients that fight cancer and boost immunity.
The Paleo diet is regarded as a great muscle-building diet. However, one of the most critical components of building muscle is sufficient carbohydrate intake. This, of course, refers to whole, complex carbohydrates, not simple carbohydrates like doughnuts and tortilla chips. The Paleo diet considers glycemic fruits to be sufficient enough in carbohydrates, but the body needs more than that. The two main reasons why carbohydrates are critical to building muscle involve insulin and glycogen. Firstly, insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body, and its muscle-building effect comes from the fact that it inhibits muscular breakdown and it synthesizes proteins within the muscles. Glycogen, the other byproduct of carbohydrate digestion, is stored in the muscles and liver, and provides the body with a readily available energy source. Your ability to train intensely is directly proportional to the amount of glycogen that is stored in your body – and glycogen is something that can only be acquired from carbohydrates.
Cavemen were a group of individuals who had no choice but to eat whatever was available to them. They certainly didn’t eat to be “fit” or “healthy” or “skinny”. They simply ate to survive and sustain themselves sufficiently. We must remember that our cavemen ancestors didn’t live very long. In fact, the recorded average lifespan of an individual at that time was about 32 years old, and you were considered incredibly lucky if you lived to be 40 years of age.
The biggest silver lining of the Paleo diet, however, is that it strongly encourages that one avoid any and all processed foods, which of course is always a healthy decision.
The bottom line…
Our bodies, our food, our ways of living, as well as our ways of growing, raising, packaging, and consuming foods have all evolved over the years far beyond the ways of our cavemen ancestors. Regardless, our bodies simply require a set of nutritional needs that our cavemen ancestors clearly were not able to meet, which largely explains their early deaths. We need a balance of complex carbohydrates, whole grains, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, healthy sugars, and healthy fats – many of which are overlooked by all high protein diets. The takeaway message here is to eat more naturally. Avoid processed foods and pursue as many truly “whole” foods as possible. The key to success in fitness and weight loss is not just to eat some foods that are healthy, but also to eat enough of a variety of healthy foods that satiate all of the body’s nutritional requirements. When it comes to following a specific diet, there are always pros and cons and plenty of opinions for and against. When in doubt, do your research!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Healthy Recipe: Heirloom Tomato Ham Fontina Frittata
Here is a way to add some flair to your breakfast!
6 each Eggs
1 ½ c. Egg substitute
¼ c. Parmesan cheese
¼ tsp. Salt
4 oz. Fontina Cheese, cut into ½ inch cubes
2 tsp. Olive oil
1 small Red onion, diced
4 oz. Canadian Ham/bacon, low sodium
12 oz. Heirloom tomatoes/conventional tomatoes, cut into ½ inch slices
1 ½ T. Basil, thinly sliced
- In a bowl, whisk together eggs, parmesan cheese, and season with salt and pepper. Fold in fontina cheese; set aside.
- In the deep half of the frittata pan over medium heat, warm 1 tsp. of olive oil. Add diced red onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 7 minutes. Add the ham and cook, stirring occasionally, for 1 minute.
- Add the egg mixture and cook, using a rubber spatula to lift the cooked edges and allow the uncooked eggs to flow underneath, until the eggs are just beginning to set, 8 to 9 minutes.
- In the shallow pan over medium-low heat, warm 1 tsp. of olive oil. Arrange the tomato slices in a single layer on top of the egg mixture. Place the shallow pan upside down on top of the deep pan and flip the frittata into the shallow pan. Cook, covered, until the eggs are set, 6 to 7 minutes.
- Uncover the pan and gently flip the frittata onto a platter. Let rest for 5 minutes, then garnish with fresh basil. Cut frittata into 8 slices and serve.
200 calories
12 g fat
18 g protein
4 g carbohydrate
1 g fiber
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Compressed Morbidity: "Live Long and Die Fast"
Every once in while you hear or read something that has a profound effect on you. It makes you think about things differently. I had such an experience about 10 years ago when I read about the concept of compressed morbidity. You might remember this being discussed during one of your visits to H3, but in case you need it, here is a quick refresher. Morbidity is illness, so compressing morbidity would be to compress or shorten the period of, or the duration of illness. So the basic concept of compressed morbidity is that, people who live a healthy lifestyle tend to live longer and die quicker, on the other hand people who live an unhealthy lifestyle tend to die younger but are sicker longer. By “living longer, but dying quicker” the period of illness and its impact on quality of life is reduced.
The reason this concept resonated with me is that unfortunately my father passed away at 67 from emphysema. A relatively young man whose quality of life was destroyed long before he died. Seeing him go through that gave me a greater appreciation of the importance of staying healthy as long as possible. Recently after discussing this concept in class, a guest shared with me this video (Seen above). It is part of a campaign in Canada to promote a healthy lifestyle. While the phrase, compressed morbidity, is never used, it makes the point graphically and effectively. As you watch the video clip, you will no doubt agree that if you could plan it, you would want to be the man on the left side of the split screen. And while there are no guarantees, following the principles of a healthy lifestyle; eating well, exercising regularly, not smoking, getting enough sleep etc. gives you the best chance of living the long, vibrant, chronic disease free lifestyle like the guy on the left side of the screen.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wellness Wednesday: Measuring Progress Off the Scale
Written by Kelsey Bowman, Program Intern
So you’ve been going to the gym consistently for a couple months and sticking to a healthy diet, but you haven’t stepped on the scale because you’re too nervous to see what that dreaded number will say. So you decide that you’re going to weigh in and see if all your hard work, dedication, and commitment to changing your lifestyle is paying off. You step on and wait for the blinking to stop and the number pops up and it’s not what you expected. Thoughts and questions start racing through your head…how could this be? I’ve been working out and eating a healthy and clean diet for months? The scale has to be wrong? I am so disappointed, should I just throw in the towel? What’s the point if my body is not changing? I am sure we all have had these thoughts race through our mind when we don’t see the number we want to see on the scale. So, in addition to weighing yourself, you should measure other indicators of progress. Here’s 4 to get you started:
Tips that you can use to help judge your progress other than the scale:
- Take progress pictures. You are your own worst critic when it comes to your body and you see it every day. You may not see change from a day-to-day basis, but if you take pictures from the beginning then you can go back and actually see the change. I suggest you take 4 pictures. Front view, both side views, and a back shot. Also try and wear the same outfit so you can truly compare.
- Every single one of us has one pair of pants in the back of our closet that is just a little too tight. After a solid couple months of exercising and resistance training whip those out and try them on. You’d be amazed on how they fit. If for some reason they don’t fit the way you want them to don’t go straight to a negative mindset, but flip it into a positive by working even harder. I call this method the “Barometer Pants Method.”
- Find a scale that has biological impedance. This determines the electrical impedance or opposition to the flow of an electric current through the body tissues which can calculate an estimate of total body water. Total body water can estimate fat-free body mass and, by difference with body weight and body fat. So if you step on the scale and it says you’ve gained 2 lbs check and see if your body fat percentage has gone down, if so you’re gaining muscle and losing fat!!
- Keep a journal and write down how you feel each day before and after exercising. Having a journal may sound dumb to some, but writing down your thoughts and feelings can really help people during their weight loss journey especially when they have good or bad days so there is always a reference to look back on and to see how far you’ve come!
So the next time you step onto that scale, think about all this and these tips and don’t let it define who you are or how hard you’ve worked. I know it’s easier said than done, but if you can change your mindset you’ve overcome what so many people struggle with every single day.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Coaching Corner: Happiness Is A Choice
This past weekend, while preparing my lunch after a challenging Crossfit workout, I was looking for a good movie to watch on Netflix. While scrolling through the documentary section, I came across a film entitled “Happy”. The story of the film is;
“HAPPY takes us on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy. Combining real life stories of people from around the world and powerful interviews with the leading scientists in happiness research, HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion."
After reading this, I was sold. I was interested to find out how the happiest people in the world were living their lives. According to researchers in the “Positive Psychology” field, there are three leading contributors to happiness. Those contributors are; Genetics, Status, and Life choices. In studies using identical twins, it was found that 50% of happiness comes from genetics. Obviously, as many of us know, genetics is something that we cannot control. The good news is, there is still a whopping 50% that we CAN control about our happiness.
Status, which includes, financial success and popularity, only accounts for 10% of happiness. Financial success refers to having enough money to take care of your needs. The positive psychologists found in an epidemiology study that the happiness difference between someone who earns $5,000 and someone who earns $50,000 was very dramatic while the difference in happiness between someone who earns $50,000 and someone who earns $50,000,000 was little to none. In fact, in some cases, it was found that those with too much “stuff” were actually less happy. In this context, popularity refers to how “up to date” people are with things, such as being fashionable and having the latest gadgets.
That still leaves another 40% of contributors leading to happiness which involves life choices. This documentary categorized “life choices” with things such as; having strong social connections, being a part of something greater than yourself, partaking in physical activity, creating variety, and finding flow.
Strong Social Connection: Some of the happiest recorded cultures in the world have a very close-knit community. For example in Okinawa, Japan, (the longest living average population in the world) whenever a member of the community passes away, everyone stops what they are doing and comes together for a ceremony. Along with that, the ashes of their deceased are all mixed together in one location to represent that they are all one big family.
Part of Something Greater: Very commonly, these happy cultures also feel a very strong spiritual connection, whether that be a religion, or a connection to something greater than themselves (God, Universe, Nature, Higher power, etc…).
Physical Activity: Not only does physical activity in it of itself release “feel good” hormones, but for many of these cultures, physical activity is “FUN”. This could involve playing sports (social connections) as well as hobbies. In this film there was an example of a man who loved to surf because it made him feel like he was one with nature (part of something greater than self).
Variety: Many of the happiest people recorded in this film enjoyed spicing up their life with variety. This did not necessarily mean they would stop what they were doing and travel the world. Sometimes it just meant simply changing the running route to add variety into their life.
Flow: In the context of this film, flow refers to performing activities that you enjoy so much that you forget about the world around you. For some people this could be having a “runners high”, for others it might be playing a musical instrument. Maybe you are great at your job and find flow at your job. Flow is a state of being that makes you feel like life is worth living.
This is just a small snapshot of what is to be taken away from the documentary entitled “Happy”. It is very inspiring to know how much influence we have over our levels of happiness. Life is filled with choices, happiness being one of them.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Healthy Recipe: Spiced Peach Orange Smoothie
This simple smoothie is perfect for a summer time snack!
2.5 cups Peaches, frozen
.5 cups Orange juice concentrate
.5 cups Yogurt, plain, fat-free
1.25 cups Milk, skim
1 T. Sugar
1/4 tsp. Vanilla extract
pinch Cinnamon, ground
- Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
Number of Servings: 5
Serving Size: 8 oz
Calories: 130 calories
Protein: 5 gm
Carbohydrates: 29 gm
Fat: 0 gm
Fiber: 1 gm
Friday, July 19, 2013
Fitness Friday: 3 Simple Stretches to Alleviate Low Back Pain
Lie on your back with your feet flat and knees bent. You may notice there is a natural curve in your spine, so flatten your lower back completely onto the floor. Pull one knee toward your chest with your hands and relax through your hips. You may feel this stretch in your hamstrings and glutes, but it also helps stretch the lower back. If you are more advanced, you can straighten your other leg to the floor. To really take things to the next level, bring both knees to your chest. Hold the stretch for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch legs and repeat on the other side.
THREE-PART HAMSTRING STRETCH- You’ll need a strap or belt for this one.
Part one: Sitting on the floor, bend your right knee and place the strap beneath your right foot. Carefully lie down on your back, straightening your right leg toward the sky. Keep your left leg flat on the floor. You will feel this stretch in your hamstrings.
Part two: This move will stretch your inner thighs. Remaining in the same position, stretch your left arm directly out to the side. Keeping your right leg straight, slowly drop your left leg to the right as far as you comfortably can.
Part three: Bring your leg back to center and switch hands so your left hand is now holding the strap. Straighten your left leg and pull your right leg across the midline of your body to the left side, with minimal twisting in your spine.
Hold each stretch for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat all three moves on the other leg.
Lying on your back with knees bent, cross your left ankle over your right knee. Lift your right leg off the floor and place your hand behind your thigh, pulling your leg back toward your upper body. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat on the other leg.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Back-loading calories…what does that mean? What does that look like in a typical day? This usually entails eating the majority of your calories and food in the later 1/3 of your day. Prime example: Breakfast is coffee on the run with 1 packet of sugar and a splash of half and half. Lunch is not until 1:00 in the afternoon and hunger pangs have set in, but you tell yourself you should stick with the salad and grilled chicken and vegetables (dressing on the side). You’ve got a meeting at 4:00 and pastries or cookies are served as a kind “gesture.” Two cookies later and you are now exhausted after a long day at work and the thought of working out goes down the drain. Dinner consists of going down the street to the nearest Chinese restaurant where portions are extreme, but it is hard to “save the rest for tomorrow.” All of the to-go white boxes are empty by the time they hit the trash can. It is now 10:00 pm and most of the food and calories consumed throughout the day was at 4:00 pm and later. Back-loading calories and food.
Even though this example may seem a little on the extreme side, too often individuals actually practice the concept of back-loading on a consistent basis. Is this you? Do you back-load your calories most days of the week? What days are you typically eating most of your food in the later 1/3 of your day? Here are some simple strategies to help you change this habit around:
- Have breakfast within 1 hour of waking up. We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day—we are literally “breaking the fast.” Even if you are NOT hungry, try your best to get in some quality whole foods within that first 60 minutes. This could be a hard-boiled egg, banana and small yogurt.
- Eat every 3-4 hours. Whether this is a snack or a larger meal, make sure to have something to keep your resting metabolism at a higher rate throughout the entire day. One reason guests are so successful here (when it comes to weight loss & weight management) is there is structure to the day—there is no thinking involved…they stick to the meal plan and trust it will work for them. Practice this at home, on vacations, during business trips, etc.
- Listen to your body and Honor your hunger. If it is 9:00 pm at night and you are physically hungry (not emotionally hungry), feed yourself. If it is 10:00 am and you feel starved and ready for lunch, ask yourself if you had breakfast and if it was enough? Maybe you didn’t give yourself a protein source in the morning or maybe it was a low fiber breakfast?? Honor that hunger by having a snack such as plain greek yogurt & berries then wait another hour or two to have the lunch you pre-pared the night before.
Set yourself up for success by eating throughout the day. Everyone at home has different schedules, lives and workout plans—everyone is busy in their own way. However, find a routine that will work for you and remember the timing of your food intake can sometimes be just as important as what you eat and how much of that food is consumed.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Wellness Wednesday: The Importance of Daily Intentions
One of the reasons for this strong contrast might have to do with how you prepare your mind, body, and spirit each day. When we stop for a moment early in the day and reflect on how we want the day to play out, we set a particular energy in motion. Your thoughts and words create your reality so if you begin your day with a racing mind, then your day is likely to resemble a runaway freight train. If you begin your day with a specific intention, then the energy of the day will move in the direction of your intention. It’s like figuring out math in your head. When you write the problem down, you can clearly see how to work it out. Calculating a math problem in your head can get confusing and provide only a glimmer of the solution.
An intention defined is a course of action that one intends to follow. Setting a daily intention allows you to focus on a specific direction you would like the day to take. In doing so, you create a guide for your actions throughout the day. A daily intention doesn’t guarantee that your day will go exactly as planned but it can help you set a distinctive tone to your overall day. Here are some examples of daily intentions:
May I live in a state of peacefulness.
May I live my day with an abundance of energy.
May I tap into my creative gifts.
May I spend the day cultivating gratitude.
May I spend the day with an approach to clean living.
May I keep a focused mind today.
May my day allow for simplicity.
May I cultivate a quiet mind today.
May I live my day in a state of continuous joy.
May I seek out wisdom and insight today.
May I spend the day guided by my intuition.
At H3 we lead group meditations every Wednesday and Friday mornings that focus on a specific daily intention. Guests are frequently commenting at the end of the day on how useful the intention meditation was to the overall outcome of their day. Guests often tell me, “That was exactly what I needed.” Soul Coaching Oracle Cards by Denise Linn are a wonderful source for daily intentions.
I would love to hear your daily intentions over the next few days. Post them on the comment forum next to this blog. I can hardly wait to read them!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Coaching Corner: 10 Steps to Getting Started TODAY
Feel like a little motivational interviewing? Grab paper and a pen and let’s get started…
1. First, ask yourself what you’d really like to accomplish. (Write it down).
2. Funny thing – most of you probably didn’t really write down what you really want. So let’s try again. What causes you to want what you first wrote down? (somewhere in this response is probably the correct answer.
- Here’s an example
- I want to lose weight.
- I want to feel satisfied with my body by feeling confident in my appearance and live without physical restrictions (even fatigue) as I go through each day.
3. Okay, now, what’s preventing you from getting what you want? Be honest. (Make a list.)
4. Circle the things you have control over.
5. What changes could you make to change these barriers and move you towards your goal? (come up with several solutions – this is called brainstorming)
6. Pick 1-3 changes from the list that you think you could start with today or tomorrow.
7. On a Scale of 1-10, how confident are you that you can make this change or changes?
- (If you’ve answered less than 7, what could increase your confidence of success?)
- You might try committing to less time, finding a supportive friend, committing to a couple days or 1 week rather than forever….
- If you’ve answered 7 or higher, you are ready to make this change.
8. Clearly state your goal on paper. Yes… write it down.
- Be specific – if your goal is about fitness or healthy eating, how many times per day/per week are you committed to following your plan. Maybe you are researching healthy places to get lunch or a personal trainer. Reserve a date and time in your calendar to complete this task.
9. Below your goal, re-write why you are committing to taking these steps. What’s motivating you?
10. GO!!!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Healthy Recipe: Watermelon Salad
This low-calorie and delectable salad is perfect for summer time BBQs.
1 pkg. Arugula, cleaned – about ½ cup per salad
3 cups Watermelon, cubed and seeded about the size of a quarter.
1/3 cup Feta cheese, crumbled
1 each Red onion, julienned small about 1/8th per salad
1/3 cup Balsamic glaze –about 1 tablespoon per salad
- If plating salads ahead be sure to wait to add the watermelon otherwise the arugula will wilt.
- Place arugula on salad plate then place ½ cup of quarter size watermelon cubes on arugula then finish salad with feta cheese, red onions and last minute balsamic glaze.
Number of Servings: 6
Serving size: 1 salad
Calories: 80
Fat 4
Friday, July 12, 2013
Fitness Friday: How to start running
Written by Sarah McKee, H3 program Intern
After watching a local 5K race over the 4th of July, you have been inspired to pick up the art of running. The only problem is you don’t know how to begin. There are many approaches to running but I like to focus on 5 main principles:
1.) Start out slow and short. It is important that you don’t burn yourself out physically or mentally. By starting with a short distance you can gradually build up the length and speed of your runs.
2.) Try the Galloway Method. Jeff Galloway, an Olympic runner, has opened up the possibility that anyone can become a runner. The Galloway Method focuses on a RUN-WALK-RUN routine. You run for two minutes, and then walk for two minutes, etc. This will allow you time to catch your breath with the aim to ultimately decrease the time spent walking.
3.) Stay Hydrated! It is important to continually drink water throughout the day and it is recommended to drink around 16 oz of water one hour before a run. During a run drink 4-6 oz of water for every 20 minutes and for longer runs over 90 minutes you may want to include a sport drink to help restore sodium levels. This will help prevent fatigue, muscle cramps and heat related illnesses such as heat stroke. After a run you should consume 20- 24 oz of water for every pound of weight loss. Take the Hydration Test to check if you’re consuming enough water. This test is based off the color of your urine; the optimal color for being well hydrated is a pale yellow.
4.) Invest in appropriate run apparel. Replace running shoes every 6-8 months to prevent injuries as shoes lose shock absorption, cushioning and stability over time. In the summer, make sure to wear loose fitting clothing that is sweat resistant. Nylon or quick dry materials are always good options for the heat. In the winter, dressing in layers is the best way to keep warm. A thermal hat should be worn, as 10% of heat is loss through the head. Mittens and tall socks will also be beneficial to protect the extremities.
5.) Find a buddy. It is best if you can find someone that is slightly a better runner then you but is willing to walk when you need to. A running partner holds you accountable, pushes you to improve and gives you someone to chat with while exercising.
Now that you have reviewed the basic principles of running there is nothing left to say other then…READY, SET, GO!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Watermelon - Vitamin Packed Treat
Some foods are fun to eat and watermelon is one of them. This huge and bright red melon screams “SUMMER!” As if that fun summertime melon wasn’t enough, watermelon is nutritious too. Watermelons are an excellent source of several vitamins and minerals including;
- Vitamin A, which helps maintain eye health and is an antioxidant.
- Vitamin C, which helps strengthen immunity, heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy teeth and gums.
- Vitamin B6, which helps brain function and helps convert protein to energy.
- Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and several types of cancer.
- Potassium, which helps muscle and nerve function, helps maintain the body's proper electrolyte and acid-base balance, and helps lower the risk of high blood pressure.
Although watermelon is delicious and indulgent on its own, try other ways of enjoying this juicy and sweet fruit all summer long.
- Watermelon and Arugula/Spinach Salad with freshly crumbled feta cheese
- Watermelon Sorbet
- Watermelon Gazpacho
- Watermelon Popsicles (H3’s new Summer Program Metabo-Meal option!)
- Watermelon and Kiwi smoothie with fat-free yogurt
- Seared or grilled watermelon drizzled with honey
- Watermelon salsa; Watermelon, mint, red onion, honey, and fresh orange juice.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Wellness Wednesday: Battling Sleep Deprivation
As I looked over my previous posts, the impact of sleep deprivation on weight management has been one of my favorite topics, but the evidence linking sleep deprivation to weight gain continues to grow. So here I go again. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania monitored the eating habits of 200 people, who for 5 days straight were kept up until 4 a.m. then allowed only 4 hours of sleep. They remained in the lab the entire time. Subjects were allowed to eat whatever they wanted and trained monitors in the lab recorded all food consumed. The researchers compared their food and caloric intake to a control group who were allowed to get a good night sleep and had access to the same food in the same lab. So except for the sleeping patterns, the living arrangement were the same. No changes in eating habits were observed in the control group. But the sleep deprived group started eating more and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. consumed an extra 550 calories a day. The results of the study were published in the journal Sleep. Author Andrea Spaeth commented that “people consumed a substantial amount of calories during those late night hours when they would normally be in bed and those calories were higher in fat compared to the calories consumed at other times of the day.”
Dr. W. Christopher Winter, medical director of the Martha Jefferson Sleep Medicine Center in Charlottesville Virginia, said that the late night eating was likely the result of hormonal changes that occur in people who were sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation elevates the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates hunger and depresses the production of leptin, a hormone that suppress appetite.
For some, improving their quality and quantity of sleep could have a tremendous impact on their weight, and general well-being. But, that might be easier said than done. If you have difficulty getting to or staying asleep download this PDF for 12 tips. For more information on the consequences of sleep deprivations and other tips to improve it go the National Sleep Foundations web sites @
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Coaching Corner: Interdependence
One of the most empowering feelings in life is the feeling of being independent; the feeling of having control of your life, the feeling of being able to take care of yourself, the feeling of not having to report to anybody when making a decision for yourself. I know this feeling very well as it is so fresh in my system. As of last week, I am no longer under the financial umbrella of my parents. I am paying for my own car insurance, rent, utilities, phone bill, etc.. you name it. Even though I am not as financially stable as my parents, it has been such a freeing feeling to be on my own. It is nice to know that everything I do from here on out is because I chose to. Not only that, it just feels good knowing that I have the ability to take care of myself financially. That being said, I obviously did not become financially independent over-night. It’s not like two weeks ago I was paying for nothing and the next week I was all of a sudden paying for everything. There was a period of time where I had to be very interdependent with my parents.
What do I mean when I say interdependent? Interdependence is a relationship in which each member is mutually dependent on the other. After I graduated college, I was dependent on my parents to continue financially supporting me as I began to get on my feet. On the flip side, my parents were dependent on me to use their support as effectively as possible so that I could continue to move up at work, save up money, and take on more responsibilities when it made sense to. This continued all the way until I no longer needed their financial support. Had my parents not supported me in this way, it would have taken much longer and much more effort on my end to get to where I am today. Had I not been as driven as I was, it would have cost my parents a lot more money and inner turmoil to continue supporting me (assuming they did not cut me off before that happened).
I think this same “interdependent” strategy could be used when trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to weight loss or living a healthy lifestyle, obviously there is no one person who can make that happen besides YOU. But at the same time, don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of the resources around you and what others are willing to offer you. In my case, I wanted to be financially independent, but when help was offered to me, I utilized it. When you chose to come to Hilton Head Health, it was because (for whatever reason) you were ready to take control of your health. You were ready for a change. In order for you to see the best results you could, you were dependent on us to offer you the best program we possibly could and we were dependent on you to embrace that program. You attended the lectures, participated in the fitness classes, followed the meal plan, and then you took those concepts home with you and applied them. Now, you are a successful independently healthy individual who is enjoying those new healthy habits back home. Without Hilton Head Health you would perhaps not have been as successful as quickly as you were with your weight loss endeavors. Also, Hilton Head Health would not be the successful company that we are without you embracing the program to its fullest potential. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed. Keep up the great work everyone! =D
Monday, July 8, 2013
Healthy Recipe: Pineapple Ice Cream
Whip up this healthy and simple summer time treat in under 30 minutes!
1 c. Fat free half and half or half and half
2 c. Skim milk
¾ c. Sugar
4 c. Pineapple, fresh, chopped
4 each Egg yolks
- Plan ahead and freeze ice cream bowl.
- Place chopped pineapple in a food processor, process until smooth.
- In medium sauce pot, mix milk, pineapple puree, and half the amount of sugar (1/3 cup).
- Warm milk mixture until about 120 degrees.
- In a separate bowl mix the egg yolks with the remaining sugar. Then add to the pot and whisk constantly until well mixed and cream has thickened. Do not let boil.
- Pull off of heat and remain whisking or stirring for about five minutes. This avoids an opportunity for the egg yolks to scramble.
- Let milk mixture cool for at least 30 minutes.
- Then place in ice cream freezer bowl, until fairly stiff.
- Enjoy with your favorite fruit or by itself.
Number of Servings: 12
Serving Size: ¼ cup
Calories: 100
Fat: 2.5
Friday, July 5, 2013
Fitness Friday: Just Dance
An exercise class with no pushups , squats or crunches? No sets or reps? It's hard to believe.
Instead, there is hip shakes, shoulder shimmies, bodies twirls and foot work to the beat of great music.
Dance based fitness classes are a great way to keep your body and mind healthy. Though dancing has been around a long time, structured dancing fitness classes are relatively new, and many gyms and community centers now offer a wide variety of dance fitness classes that allow you to have fun and learn a dance style while working out.
Whether it's ballet or ballroom, clogging or jazz, dancing is a great way for people of all ages and physical abilities to get and stay in shape.
Dancing is a great cardiovascular activity that helps with stress management, improving your overall health and well-being. Its benefits are far reaching; it improves muscle tone and coordination, improves circulation and helps to build endurance and stamina. Additionally, the effects of the aerobic activity have been proven to lower the risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.
Trying to find the right dance workout class for your age and lifestyle?
Here are some of the most popular options:
Barre: Ballet-inspired barre workouts use the ballet barre as a prop for bodyweight isometric moves, holding positions like pliés and squats for a minute or more to work both major and minor stabilizing muscles.
Zumba: Zumba matches moves from Latin, Creole, and African dance traditions to top tunes in fun, loose, and laughter-filled groups of all ages and fitness levels.
Hip Hop: If loud music and full-out dancing is your thing, hip-hop dance classes are sure to get your heart pumping. Hip-hop involves a lot of jumping and quick body isolations, which can pose injury risk for newbies, so start with a beginner’s class if you’re new to the moves.
Nia: If you combine dance, martial arts, and yoga, you’ve got Neuromuscular Integrative Action, or Nia. The program encourages each participant to move across the entire room, and discourages the use of mirrors, all to help seal the mind-body bond.
Cardio Funk: An accessible high-energy aerobic fusion of jazz and hip-hop. Each class incorporates cardio dance movement, and stretch & strength exercises.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
H3's Meal Plan from a Guest's Perspective
Not only does today mark our 237th year as an independent country, but today marks the 4 month anniversary of one of our beloved guests, Brian G. This makes for a special 4th of July, especially after numerous guests (including Brian) completed and conquered the local Firecracker 5k on the island this morning. Four months ago today, Brian weighed in at 349 pounds. Today, he is 85 lbs. lighter!! His commitment to the meal plan and making the most out of his stay is something I admire as well as being a great model for any guests that gets an opportunity to talk with him. I decided to ask Brian a few questions about H3’s meal plan and how it has helped him get to 261 lbs. Enjoy reading J
Q1: What 3 main things about H3’s meal plan make it so special?
- “The variety, flavor and portion control. All the food is so fresh and filling. For the calories, you get more than what you think you would get. What they can do with the vegetables and minimal salt is amazing. They turn something boring into flavorful masterpieces.”
Q2: What is your favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner at H3?
- “For breakfast, the apple muesli… lunch is a tough one to answer…either the turkey burger or pita pizza. For dinner, hands down the chicken cordon bleu.”
Q3: How have the Chef’s Tables enhanced our dining experience?
- “I have lost 85 lbs. and have managed to attend every Chef’s Table offered. It is great to see first-hand how gourmet meals can be healthy. It shows I can enjoy a little cheese, wine and the finest ingredients—all in moderation.”
- b. The picture above is from our Red, White and Blue sorbet—a mix of our strawberry, coconut and blackberry sorbets featured in our America By Three’s Chef’s Table.
Q4: Would you rather have the fresh salad bar (Wednesday’s lunch) with the peanut butter mousse as dessert or have our short ribs for Friday’s gourmet meal?
- He definitely struggled answering this one, but he made his final decision with “short ribs at gourmet night…I’d have it every night if I could.”
Q5: What one piece of advice would you tell an incoming guest?
- “Keep an open mind. If you didn’t think you liked a particular food, such as fish, then leave that at the door. You actually don’t need all the unnecessary fat and salt to have flavorful food.”
Q6: What are 3 recipes you would make once you go home?
“Chicken parmesan, peanut butter hummus and the apple muesli.”
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Research Shows Self-Discipline Leads to Happiness
It’s very easy to think that living an overly self-disciplined life translates into less fun and diminished happiness. However, recent research by Wilhelm Hofmann at the University of Chicago reveals just the opposite. It turns out that self-control correlates highly with life satisfaction and happiness. In other words, exerting self-control can make you happier in both the moment and the long run.
The research, which was published in the Journal of Personality, indicates that participants showing the greatest self-control report being in a good mood more frequently than being in a bad one. What is even more fascinating about the finding is that it doesn’t seem to be linked to a greater capacity to resist temptation. Instead, the study points to the idea that the practice of self-discipline exposes individuals to fewer situations that might evoke craving in the first place. “People who have good self-control do a number of things that bring them happiness — namely, they avoid problematic desires and conflict,” says the study’s co-author Kathleen Vohs, Professor of Marketing at the University of Minnesota.
Instead of constantly denying themselves, people high in self-control are simply less likely to find themselves in situations where that’s even an issue. One interpretation of the findings is that people use self-control to set up their lives so as to avoid problems. This concept points to the usefulness of my frequent saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Instead of approaching your efforts towards a healthy lifestyle as confining, or a less pleasurable version of life, consider how the self-control can actually enhance your happiness. Self-discipline is empowering. It wards off the negative emotions inherent in chaos and feelings of being out of control. Self-discipline fortifies your life, making it less susceptible to inner conflicts involving temptations and willpower.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Coaching Corner: Feeling Young
As a young male fresh out of college I often hear people tell me, “do it while you still can, do it while you’re young” I always seem to be told this when talking about something really adventurous and spectacular. Something like; running a marathon (do it while you’re body is still strong healthy) something like traveling the world (while you still have the time and fewer responsibilities) or something like working a job that is super cool that you can brag to your friends about and that makes you happy (eventually you will need something more realistic to provide for your family). While I do agree that I should do those things while I’m young, I think it is important that I continue doing adventurous and spectacular things as I get older. I do not think that this is an unrealistic idea either. Older, to me, means two things; 1) you’ve existed for another year on this planet, and 2) you FEEL more limited than you used to. Obviously there is no way to change the amount of years we have existed on this planet so far, however, there is a way to control the years that have yet to come and prolong the “older” feeling. Nowadays, I think most people understand, or have at least heard about, some of the benefits of living a healthier lifestyle. Just to name a few;
1) Increased energy
2) Improved cardiovascular health
3) Stronger joints
4) Stronger immune system
5) Increased release of “feel good” hormones
6) Increased quality of life
To me, all of these benefits sound like qualities of the ideal “young” person who FEELS less limited. Someone with more energy and stronger joints might be more inclined to train for a race; such as a 5k or a marathon. Someone with a stronger immune system who feels good more frequently throughout the day might not have to take as many sick days from work. Because they do not have to take sick days as often, they might be able to afford some time to schedule more days in the year to travel somewhere exotic and exciting. They might even enjoy their work more because they have the energy to be great at it. Because they are great at their job, they may be more likely to get a raise or promotion.
Next time you hear the phrase or say to someone “do it while you’re still young” I challenge you to look at things from a new perspective. Adopting healthier habits is the closest thing in today’s world to the fountain of youth. If it is your dream to continue doing adventurous and spectacular things in your life, it is never too late to get started. But don’t take my word for it. Watch this video below about the world’s oldest Marathon runner (101 years old). He didn’t start running until he was 89 years old! Wow!
Monday, July 1, 2013
It's peach season in South Carolina and Georgia. Buy some fresh local peaches for this decadent treat!
2 each Peaches, fresh, ripe
4 slices Prosciutto, sliced thin about ¼ ounce each
¼ tsp. Salt and pepper mixed
¼ cup Sherry wine reduction
¼ tsp Cumin
1 T. Sugar
- Wash peaches and cut each half into 3 wedges, place in a bowl.
- Toss peaches with salt, pepper, sherry wine reduction, cumin, and sugar
- Then cut prosciutto into three strips the long way.
- Wrap each peach wedge with one strip of prosciutto.
Number of Servings: 4
Servings Size: ½ peach w 1 slice prosciutto
Calories: 70
Fat: 4