H3 Daily

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

An End to Food Labeling Confusion

We all complain about how confusing food nutrition labels can be. What should we be looking for? How are we supposed to compare one product to another? If you are not shown exactly what to look for, it can be very difficult to make the healthiest option based on the current food label… and to be honest, I think I know what to look for and sometimes I still get confused. Well, the Institute of Medicine has heard our cries and answered with this new food labeling system.

The proposed system rates products based on their salt, added sugar, saturated and trans fat content. These categories were chosen after a finding earlier in the year determined calories, saturated fat, trans fat and sodium are the biggest culprits in our food that cause disease.

The new labels would be placed on the front of food packages and would be more graphically designed making them easier to read and understand. The Institute of Medicine is playing around with a check mark or stars rating system.

The next question is will they actually work? If this new labeling system passes you have to wonder if it will really influence consumer habits. Call me optimistic, but I believe people will be willing to pay an extra 20 cents for a product with three stars over a product with just one. My only hope is that this new system provides accurate information to consumers because we all know there are ways to get around rules. I think now more than ever people are concerned about their health and their future, so let’s do it right and demand a system that benefits everyone. Hey, if anything hopefully the buzz will get people talking about health.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the really good stuff doesn't get nutrition labels. I'm talking about all the goodies in the fresh produce section. Do you think it would help if they posted this next the the name and price per pound? Would people see the 3 star, 80 calorie honeycrisp apple sign and decide it's better than those no star potato chips?
