H3 Daily

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Regular Jogging Shows Dramatic Increase In Life Expectancy

There had been some debate over the years about whether jogging was beneficial or potentially hazardous to your health.  However, on Monday Dr. Peter Schnohr, the chief cardiologist of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, showed that undertaking in regular jogging increases your life expectancy by 5-6 years.  At EuroPRevent2012, an event organized by the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, Schnohr told delegates that the study’s most recent analysis showed that between one and two-and-a-half hours of jogging per week at a “slow or average” pace delivers optimum benefits for longevity. 

"The results of our research allow us to definitively answer the question of whether jogging is good for your health," said Schnohr, who is chief cardiologist of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, speaking in the "Assessing prognosis: a glimpse of the future" symposium. “We can say with certainty that regular jogging increases longevity. The good news is that you don't actually need to do that much to reap the benefits."

The ideal pace can be achieved by adhering to the “talk test.”  While exercising, you should be able to talk in short sentences but not tell a long story or sing a song.  Dr. Schnohr commented that “you should aim to feel a little breathless, but not very breathless.”

In addition to helping you live longer, jogging will more importantly help you live healthier.  The study went on to show that jogging improves oxygen uptake, increases insulin sensitivity, improves lipid profiles (raising HDL and lowering triglycerides), lowers blood pressure, reduces platelet aggregation, increases fibrinolytic activity, improves cardiac function, bone density, immune function, reduces inflammation markers, prevents obesity and improves psychological function.

So let’s get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather with a short jog!

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