H3 Daily

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer DIY Project: Create a Vision Board

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a visual representation of who you are, what you enjoy, where you want to go, what you want to achieve in your life… or more simply, it is poster board covered in a collage of torn out pictures from magazines.

How to create a vision board

  1. Buy a poster board and cut to whatever size you would like. Tip: larger boards require more pictures to cover; I believe the best boards are packed with pictures. Enjoy filling it up completely.

  2. Flip through old magazines. Tear, cut or rip out pictures that speak to you. Try to have a variety to magazines; it can be difficult to build a vision off of one gardening mag.

  3. Glue down photos onto your poster board. Try laying everything out first and then gluing into place. Make sure everything fits and looks good!

  4. Share with others. Display on your desk, in your room, somewhere you will see it regularly and stay attached to that vision.

5 reasons to create a vision board today

  1. An alternative to journaling. Journaling is a great practice; it allows you to write out your thoughts, plans for the future, current challenges and strategies for being successful. But often we write these things down, close the cover on the journal and do not look at these things again. A vision board puts a visual on these ideas and keeps them present right in front of you. Remember: if you can see it, you can achieve it!

  2. It reminds you of who you are. Flipping through those magazines opens you up to dream. What do you want, where do you want to go, and what do you want from life? It opens you to new ideas and adventures. I found the words “Return to Sonoma,” it reminded me of a trip to Napa Valley when I was young, a place that I have always wanted to go back and visit again.  It reminded me of this place that I want to see again in my lifetime.

  3. It inspires self-knowledge. Flipping through old magazines looking for something that shouts “that’s totally me!” is an opening experience. When building my board I was happy to find things that stood out to me, such as the word cardigan and a picture of a cup of coffee; the former a staple in my wardrobe and the later an essential part of my morning routine.

  4. Unlock your inner creativity. We are all creative people, but this can tend to get buried under work reports, workouts and our daily schedules. When you tap into that inner creativity, it can expand your world and the way you view it. Step outside your comfort zone and create!

  5. A fun activity to do with the kids or friends! The act of creating a vision board can be a lot of fun, sitting around on the floor cutting out pictures. It can be even more fun, sharing the finished project with family or friends. It is a great way to share stories and get to know people more. I have a picture of a black lab on my board. This is for my black lab I had growing up who was around for 17 years. When I think about growing up at home, I always think about sweet Abby.

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