H3 Daily

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lessons Learned: Try it on for Size

Last week we took Hala to visit her new preschool since she’s starting in August. She held my hand as we walked down to see her classroom and meet her teacher. The teacher met her with a smile and welcomed her to look around. There were some children sitting at a table working on arts and crafts. Hala eyed this up first even sitting down and visualizing herself participating with the other kids. After a minute or so, she got up to check out the rest of the room.  On one side there was a message center where the students could go a prepare messages for the parents or others, and a light center where they could explore the ways light projects through various objects, creating images projected on the wall. The other side of the room was filled with more activity areas including a structure center with blocks and other building materials, a technology center and a play kitchen complete with dress-up clothes. As Hala found a couple of bracelets to put on and picked out a princess dress in the kitchen area, the teacher informed us that it seems to be the spot that most of the children migrate to first, before feeling comfortable exploring the other areas of the room.

It was very interesting to observe her as she took it all in. We’ve been talking about her starting school (she says she’s going to [South Carolina] Gamecocks school) for weeks now so we wanted to show her where it was and what it was like so she can look forward to it with anticipation. By putting her in the environment, it allowed her to visualize what pre-school was going to be like and what she could expect when she gets there. She was able to see other children playing and being creative and learning, and even picture herself doing those things as well.

While I understand that, for some of us, the anticipation of joining a new gym, Weight Watchers or health resort, isn’t always something we look forward to, the change in environment can be very impactful. By surrounding yourself with healthy foods or fitness equipment/classes, it provides the opportunity to at least look at them and consider using them. You might get the courage to walk a little closer and check it out. Add some friendly faces that share the same common goal, with some experience at it too, and watch out! You might just find yourself starting that program you’ve “been meaning to for awhile now, but just [insert excuse here].”

If you find yourself struggling to get started, what can you change about your environment that might set you in motion?

  • Visit your local fitness center for a tour, or watch the first 10 minutes of that Zumba class you’ve been considering.

  • Check out that new Salad shop around the corner.

  • Make a list of 2 or 3 friends you can reach out to who are currently working on their own weight or health.

  • Put your walking shoes by your bed or by the door, in a visual place instead of the back of the closet.

  • Start with something recognizable before trying the latest fitness craze or the vegetable you hated as a kid.

  • Expose yourself to a walking club or Weight Watcher’s group, and see if the shoe fits…. Believe me, sooner or later you’ll find one that will.


1 comment:

  1. I new I liked that kid...a Gamecock fan already. She's probably too smart for preschool. Might as well enroll her in elementary.
