Last week, I challenged you to join the Small Plate Movement -- to decrease your portions and learn to enjoy smaller meals (while still feeling satisfied!)
Here are 10 other ways to control your portions...
- Oldies but Goodies. Instead of putting your leftovers into one large container - break them up into individual meals. This way you are reaching for one meal, not the entire serving.
- Start with a Salad. Eating a salad before lunch or dinner is a good way to keep from overeating. By including lots of fiber-full veggies, it will help curb your appetite.
- Single serve your Trigger Foods. Buy snack foods in single serving sizes or separate into smaller individual baggies. It may be more difficult to stop eating [insert favorite snack food here] straight from the bag, but you are less likely to eat 5 zipper bags full.
- Eat Mini Meals. You can make sure your blood sugar stays stable and keep your stomach from rumbling by eating small healthful meals throughout the day. Here at H3, we encourage 100 calorie 'Metabo Meals' of fresh fruits and veggies in between meals.
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Keep pots and dishes away from the table during meals, where it's easy to go for seconds. You may rethink your 2nd helping on the way from the table to the counter.
- Meat on the Side, Please. Treat meat entrees as a side dish rather than the main part of your meal. Load up on veggies and healthy grains as the bulk of your meal and you'll feel full sooner. Your plate should be 2/3 veggies and 1/3 lean protein.
- Double Up. Eat 1/2 of a meal at lunch - and then save the rest for dinner. Or have a grilled chicken breast and veggies for lunch, and turn the left over into a chicken salad for dinner.
- You look 12 (and under). When eating out -- order a kid portion. Not only do you save money, but you are also saving calories!
- Serving Smarts. Learn how to 'eyeball' the standard portion sizes and make sure to stick to them when dining out or eating at home. For example: 3 oz. of meat is the size of a deck of cards.
- Live a little. Don't forbid yourself of certain foods - this will only lead you to feel deprived - which will most likely lead to bingeing. Treat yourself once in a while to avoid this cycle!
I completely agree with your suggestion- ‘Single serve your Trigger Foods!’ Because I don’t always have time to bag single servings, I like to buy the 100-calorie packs. They may cost more money, but they save on calories…so in the long run, it’s definitely worth it for me.