H3 Daily

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Get Over the Hump

You might find that I often talk a lot about adding variety to your fitness, trying something new and most importantly finding something you enjoy doing.  Three HUGE factors to keep you on track with your fitness routine.

Not only does your body benefit from pulling a switcheroo with your workout routine - but it also helps mentally.  After a while, doing lunge after lunge, bicep curl after bicep curl, gets a little b-o-r-i-n-g

And unfortunately in most cases, boredom leads to you finding something ‘better’ to do with your time.  (Settled on the couch with a bag of chips…)  Before you know it, you don’t even remember what a lunge is much less have the energy (or WANT) to do 50. 


This is where my ‘hump-day’ motivational video comes in!  Here at H3, our Outdoor Boot Camp class is a big hit.  But prepared to get your rear in gear!

This simple workout – using only your body weight – can be done anywhere.  (Lucky for us – we get sweaty down at the beach!) 

100 Push-ups, 150 Crunches, 200 Squats, 250 Jumping Jacks and 500 Meters later…




5 Rounds of:

20 Push-Ups

30 Crunches

40 Squats

50 Jumping Jacks

100 M Run/Walk


If boot camp really isn't your thing...check out our Sample Schedule to see all the variety you will experience here at H3.

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