H3 Daily

Monday, September 14, 2009

Move it Monday: Workout of the Week

Welcome to Move it Monday!  Every Monday, we will feature a workout of the week - complete with cardio, strength training and core exercises. 

Incorporate this into your routine at least 2-3 times per week, on non-consecutive days.  Check back next Monday for the Workout of the Week feature!


What You Need: a FitBall and a set of dumbbells (5-10 pounds)

Cardio: Get in at least 30 Minutes of aerobic exercise on the elliptical machine.  To beat boredom - try interval training!



Now, for the STRENGTH TRAINING!  For the next 3 exercises, complete 2 sets each of 12 repetitions.

1) Biceps Curl:  Position two dumbbells to sides, palms facing in, arms straight.  With elbows to the sides, raise one dumbbell and rotate forearm until forearm is vertical and palm faces shoulder.  Lower to original position and repeat with opposite arm. Continue to alternate between sides.  Biceps may be exercised alternating (as described) or simultaneous.

Bicep Curl 1

Bicep Curl 2


2) Hammer Curl -  Position two dumbbells to sides, palms facing in, arms straight.  With elbows to the sides, raise one dumbbell until forearm is vertical and the thumb faces the shoulder.  Lower to original position and repeat with alternative arm.  The biceps may be exercised alternating (as described) or simultaneously.

Hammer curl 1

Hammer Curl 2


3) Overhead Extension: Position one dumbbell overhead with both hands under inner plate (heart shaped grip).  With elbows overhead, lower forearm behind upper arm by flexing elbows.  Flex wrists at bottom to avoid hitting dumbbell on back of neck.  Raise dumbbell overhead by extending elbows while hyperextending wrists.  Return and repeat.  Position wrists closer together to keep elbows from pointing out too much.

Overhead Extension 1

Overhead Extension 2


Ready for some CORE EXERCISES!  Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions for each.

4) Basic Crunch:  Lie supine (on back) with knees bent.  Flex waist to raise upper torso from bench. Return until the back of the shoulders are flat on the mat. Repeat.

Basic Crunch 1

Basic Crunch 2


5) Basic Oblique Crunch:  Lie supine on floor with knees bent.  Place hands behind neck or folded on chest.  Flex and twist waist to raise upper torso off surface to one side. Return until the back of the shoulders return to surface. Repeat to the opposite side alternating twists.

Basic Oblique Crunch 1

Basic Oblique Crunch 2


Finish each workout with 5-15 minutes of Stretches.


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