H3 Daily

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Guest Post: Benefits in the BAG

From H3 Program Intern, Jeff Ford

What comes to your mind first when you think of Hilton Head Island (other than Hilton Head Health of course)? It may be the stunning sunrise beaches, but many vacationers are drawn to the Island because of the array of gorgeous golf courses. With over 30 courses, Hilton Head is highly recognized as a premier golf destination.

If you’ve visited before, I’ve probably not told you anything you already didn’t know. However, this brings me to my next question. Did you realize that hacking it up in Hilton Head will greatly improve your overall health? The health benefits are truly in the bag.

Golf Bag

More often than not the average golfer pulls out the driver (1 Wood) on the first tee, but not today! Let’s tee off with the seven healthy benefits of hitting the links.

Cardiovascular – one hour of golf (walking and carrying clubs) burns between 300 and 350 calories! The typical round takes about four hours, so by ditching the power cart and walking an 18-hole round calorie expenditure can really add up! Placing this into perspective, a study done by “Golf Science International” found that 4 hours of golf is equal to an intense 45 minutes of aerobic exercise, something comparable to Cardio Boxing here at H3!

Vitamin D – soaking in the rays or “getting your bronze on” out on the course will provide your body with much needed vitamin D that is crucial for strong bones.

Social Side – when I was young every summer came down to playing golf with friends. It is one of the best ways to catch up with friends, tell stories, jokes, and get to know one another. The environment is perfect and will revolutionize your overall well-being!

Golf Course

Improve Strength – Not a great golfer? No worries, carrying extra golf balls or tees in your bag will also add more benefits to the bag. Walking and hauling a set of golf clubs supports a strong skeleton and can prevent osteoporosis because it’s a weight-bearing exercise. Additionally, your muscular endurance will improve based off time spent on the links and even your flexibility thru swinging the sticks. 

Low Risk of Injury – Unlike other activities there is no constant pressure on your joints or muscles. Golf is a leisurely sport compared to others and the risk of injury is very low.

Reduces Stress – How can you beat a day in the great outdoors? Surrounded by trees, lagoons and fresh air, there is nothing better or mood enhancing. The golf course not only tests your skills, but allows you time to reflect within a peaceful environment.

You’ll Sleep Better – No secret, but exercise has proven to help individuals sleep better. Activities like golf certainly fall into the category of moderate exercise and this combined with a long day on the fairways will improve your overall quality of sleep! 

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Roger Simon once said: “The reason most people play golf is to wear clothes they would not be caught dead in otherwise.”

He may unquestionably be right, nevertheless you now have seven more reasons to dust off the clubs, find some friends, and WALK the golf course. It’s never a bad time to pick up the game of golf, so I challenge you to ace your health by selecting the game of golf.

Every Tuesday at H3, guests have the opportunity to enjoy the old fashioned game by taking part in the weekly golf clinic offered by Hart Baker PGA Tour Academy Instructor at Shipyard Golf Club. There guests begin to experience the “benefits that are in the bag”.


  1. Hey Jeff!!

    Great post! I am taking a beginning golf course at school this semester. Glad to know there are so many health benefits related to such a fun sport. Too bad I didn't get a chance to golf at all when I was down there :(

  2. Thanks Allie! Good Luck learning to play, I am sure you will have a blast!
