H3 Daily

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Get H3 Inspired: Victor Aldrich

Victor Aldrich

My life was in a downward spiral. I had just been laid off, I was a little over 300 lbs and I was truly unhappy. I had lost weight before but I gained it all back and just couldn’t seem to break myself of this vicious cycle. It was then that I realized I needed to do something. That’s when I found H3. It looked like exactly what I needed to jumpstart a healthier way of living.


I stayed at H3 for three weeks, and in just those three weeks—I not only lost 24 lbs, but I completely transformed my life. It’s wasn’t that I didn’t know what to do; it was that I didn’t know how to do it. H3 taught me how to change my behaviors—how to eat healthy and how to exercise.


My stay was the complete mind, body and soul experience. It really made me open up—and want to do everything I could to change myself, to turn things around. I understood that this program is about choice—and you get out what you put in. It was then that I committed myself to the program 110%. For me this was more of a mental journey rather than a physical one.


Over the course of this past year or so, I’ve completely turned my life around. I’ve traveled the world, I’ll soon be receiving my MBA, and I’ve continued to lose weight—a total of 92 lbs. My energy has shot completely through the roof—everyone from my family to acquaintances has noticed the improvement in not just my looks but my attitude and actions. I feel as though now, the sky’s the limit! And not only am I healthier, but my family’s seen the change in me and decided they too want to embrace a healthy lifestyle. My father has gone on to lose 25-30 lbs.


When I first left H3, I set mini-goals. Ten pounds here, twenty pounds there—but never did I think I could reach a total of 100 pounds. But now, 92 lbs. lighter, I can see the 100 lb. mark is within my reach.


Victor Aldrich, 26



For more stories like Victor's, click here.    If you have a story you’d like to share, please e-mail us at getinspired@hhhealth.com! Make sure to put ‘Get Inspired’ in the subject line.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What an amazing journey, Victor! Congratulations and best wishes as you continue to set and achieve your goals - in weight loss and better health, in education and in life!
