H3 Daily

Monday, August 2, 2010

Raising A Healthy Family

Family eating together

Our topic of the week at H3 is Raising a Healthy Family.  August is here, and kids are soon off to school and back to reality.  Along with the change in schedule, children experience many other changes – in their activity level, eating patterns, peer pressure, and stress levels.  Our guest presenter this week, retired Pediatrician, Dr. Jo Zurbrugg, is introducing the basics of the 5-2-1-0 Health Program for children/families.  The philosophy of these 4 key points can set your family on the right path to a healthy lifestyle. 


Test it out on your kids (and yourself!) to see if you pass the test!  Stay tuned for more tips on role modeling a healthy lifestyle!


5-2-1-0 Health Program

5 Servings/day of Fruits and Vegetables (minimum)

2 hours/day (maximum) of sedentary time (screen/computer, game boys, etc)

1 hour/day of consistent activity

0 avoid sugary drinks (colas, juices, etc.)


For healthy and kid-friendly recipes, check out the Member's Only section of our website.  Pita pizzas, smoothies, and even desserts!

1 comment:

  1. [...] out my last post on Raising a Healthy Family - for tips from our Special Guest presenter, Dr. Jo [...]
