H3 Daily

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Coaching Corner: Sharing Success – Mindy Buford

Wellness CoachingAs we continue our Sharing Success series, look at the strategies these members have taken to create their healthy lifestyle. It is not a one size fits all approach and that’s what a healthy lifestyle change is all about. What works for me is not what’s going to work for you. There are bits and pieces we can take from one another, but at the end of the day Mindy has discovered what in the end will work for her.

Mindy’s success is due to her discipline, determination, and ability to be affective on the go. She began her H3 journey in early February, only able to stay onsite for a short time. Mindy happens to be a Registered Nurse and Certified Diabetes Educator; she is on the road protecting and monitoring patients up to 5 days per week. Being at home is not an option for Mindy, except on the weekends. How was she able to manage this switch with such a schedule? Planning and commitment.

Mindy works in time for exercise; scheduling walks throughout her days on the road. Walking at shopping malls or swimming in the hotel pool, she makes it happen. Additionally, Mindy has a quick Fit Ball routine and has become a weekend warrior where she takes longer walks (up to 8 miles) with her friend on Sundays. What’s even bigger is that her nutrition is absolutely on point when she’s on the road. She mentioned: I am getting so good with my choices now that it’s almost easier when I’m traveling. A couple weeks ago Mindy went on her annual Virginia Creeper Trail Biking trip with and felt the best ever, period. She completed double the mileage, 34 miles to be exact, and had a healthy weekend with friends and family. Keep reading to hear her entire story…

How has H3@Home Coaching benefitted you?

H3@Home Coaching has reminded me of the reasons I went to H3 in the first place. That life is about balance and living well every day. It is extremely easy to focus on stress and negative factors of life and fall into bad health habits. Thanks to the coaching process, I am reminded to focus on the positive and the continuance of healthy habits. One of the biggest improvements has been my sleep. It is amazing how much better everything is in life, if you are sleeping well. My energy level and endurance has improved. I walk, swim or bike almost every day, even with traveling in a car on average of 800 miles a week and staying in hotels 2 nights a week. Clients frequently tell me I look better and ask me how I am managing to lose weight. I have never before understood the importance of stretching and how to schedule exercise to give you the greatest benefit for weight loss and sleep, but I do now. H3@Home Coaching has helped me balance my life.

What success can you attribute to the continued at-home support?

The greatest success is I’ve lost 19.5 lbs. since February. Thanks to the discussions concerning balancing exercise, strength, flexibility and nutrition, I continue to improve my health and stay on task. Without the Wellness Coaching and with my extremely chaotic work schedule, it would be very easy to fall back into unhealthy habits. Due to my job requiring me to travel 3-4 days a week, I frequently eat in restaurants were it is extremely easy to over eat. Jeff and I discuss strategies to handle big client dinners and work dinners, which occur frequently, so that I have a plan before I walk into the restaurant. This has helped me to make good choices in times of possible weakness.

How has Wellness Coaching impacted your lifestyle?

My family has become more motivated to help me, since I have shown the behaviors I developed with the help of H3 are continuous and enduring. In the past, I tried diets and changes in behavior that did not last. We are all eating better and now I can keep up with family activities. This coming weekend is a family and friends biking trip. In the past I would have been the weakest participant, I now know I can be as successful as the rest of the group. The feeling is great.

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