H3 Daily

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Fitness: Perfecting Running Technique pt. 1

Have you ever wondered if you’re running correctly? Today we’re back at it with another Friday Fitness and it’s time to open your eyes to the proper way to run. Over my years at H3, I have personally encountered many guests enthused and excited to train and run their first 5K. I have also seen countless plantar fasciitis, chondromalacia, and shin splint over-use injuries.

Here’s the question of the day, what athlete is statistically the most injured? I’ll give you a hint… it is not football or hockey players. The bottom line is that it’s runners. I know there are far more runners out there, but when you break it down by a percentage runners are easily the most prone to injury … look it up if you don’t believe me!

With every question there is always a solution. Check out part one of our run technique series to not only tighten up your running technique, but reduce injuries, improve efficiency and overall make you a better runner.



Complete the series of Drills 2 to 3 times per week and stay tuned for Run Right Part 2

  1. Ball of Foot (BOF) – 10 to 20 Hops in place, hop w/forward lean 10 hops, repeat 3 times

  2. Back to Wall – 20 Pulls on each leg (utilize hamstring), repeat 3 times

  3. Lean into Wall – 30 Second Pulls both legs (heals pulled under glutes), repeat 3 times


  1. This would be one of those posts that could use a video of what the drills look like. Am I hopping on the ball of my foot? Am I alternating feet? I think you need a visual aid here.

  2. Cheryl, we'll be sure to keep that in mind for the next two videos in this running technique series.

  3. Cheryl there is a 10 minute video that walks you thru all the drills ... looks like it did not post? It is accessible on our youtube page.

  4. Hi Cheryl, here’s the video Jeff is talking about. Hope it helps! Part 2 of the series will be posted at the end of the month. They will gradually get more intricate.

  5. Hey Jeff- thanks for these videos. They're great. I've been doing some of the drills and trying to incorporate the techniques into my runs. My calves have been burning up, and I wasn't sure if this is because I'm doing it right or wrong. Any insight?

  6. Hey Mark - Calves becoming really tight is very common in begginning the drills. There is a little turnover before that muscle gets stressed less. Make sure you allow your heal to kiss the ground and are not to far up on your toes. But yes, certainly normal. Thanks for watching!! Jeff
