H3 Daily

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fitbit Confessions

Last week I shared with a group of H3 guests the love I have for my newly acquired Fitbit. Little did I know that in doing so I would open the floodgates to all sorts of humorous, Fitbit confessions. It seems that many Fitbit owners have an affection for this sleek little device not unlike that of a cherished pet -- myself included. In fact, one guest told me the first thing her Fitbit says to her in the morning is “Let’s go for a walk,” which reminds me a lot of my dog Lucky. I’m not sure what my Fitbit says to me first thing in the morning, because I can’t actually read until I’ve had a cup of coffee, but the fact that it does talk to me is one of my favorite things about the little sucker. And to echo the whole pet sentiment, my children named my Fitbit “Bitty.”
As Fitbit stories were bandied about, I quickly realized that many of the H3 guests have a Fitbit competitive streak. It seems that some H3 guests are rather quick to keep people informed of their step-status throughout the day, which creates a healthy rivalry. It’s been fun to learn how they’ve tried to “one-up” each other with their step standings. For instance, I loved hearing about the guest who put the Fitbit on her dog in order to out-step her roommate. Another guest used her evening out with the gals to “pump up the volume” on her step sums only to learn, with great dismay, that the Fitbit resets itself at midnight. The dramatic reenactment was priceless. I pictured her simultaneously shaking her “groove thing” and checking her Fitbit, only to see it reset right before her eyes on the dance floor at midnight -- and my belly-laughing ensued.
There was one common thread woven through all the Fitbit stories…it really does make you move more. Like the guest who shared that he walks in place while brushing his teeth wearing his Fitbit and little else, or another guest who admits carrying her clean laundry up the stairs piece by piece so as to increase her stair-climbing status.
Since I hadn’t used the Fitbit to track my sleep (for fear the results would worry me, thus causing insomnia), I was interested to hear what others had to say about that aspect of the Fitbit. What I learned is that the Fitbit measures your sleep cycle by sensing your movements throughout the night. One guest told me however, that the Fitbit does not respond well to nocturnal “thrashers.” Apparently, if you have “the jimmy legs,” as Kramer from Seinfeld describes them, the Fitbit has a difficult time accurately measuring your sleep cycle. This was good for me to know. You see, my eight-year-old often crawls into my bed in the middle of the night, leaving a quarter of an inch between the two of us, and kicks me in her seizure-like slumber until dawn. If, after one of those nights, my Fitbit reminded me of my unhealthy sleep-cycle, there is a good chance Bitty would meet an untimely demise.
So back to my favorite part about Bitty… “You Rock,” and “You’re Cool” are things I would never hear if not for my Fitbit. The fun little affirmations always make me smile, which alone justifies its expense. All-in-all, I would say it was a great investment. It has me moving more, which in turn makes me feel better about myself—two wonderful improvements.
Let’s keep the Fitbit stories going. I’d love to hear your fun Fitbit comments or a Fitbit goal you may be working on. What’s your all-time best Fitbit step-status? Perhaps we can come up with an H3 Fitbit challenge. I will discuss that with the powers that be and get back to you. Until then…”You Rock!”


  1. My fitbit calls me a step nerd. Love that thing.
    I lost one and they replaced it free of charge, also (I don't recommend this)I added three miles to my walk by accidently putting it in the washing machine. Luckily it still works. Also registers flights of stairs for driving up steep hills. My record (real) is 11000 steps with 12 flights of stairs.
    Happy Stepping

  2. Love it Matthew! Thanks for your FitBit confession.

  3. [...] can actually be a fun and motivating activity. Several of our staff members have purchased FitBits (you may want to read Lisette’s hilarious FitBit confessional) and as a result, a friendly competition has sprouted between spouses, co-workers and even some [...]

  4. I have had a Fitbit since I went to Hilton Head Health in May of 2013. I wear it every day, use the food log (faithfully) on the companion Lose It app, and have lost 50 lbs so far. Eight more pounds to my goal and I feel great. I would like to say it was hard but with the motivation and start my week at H3 provided and the short and long-term goals I am able to set and monitor with my Fitbit, it was not bad at all. I intend to keep the weight off. Feeling great and could not have kept at it day-to-day without the Fitbit.

  5. I had my fitbit and my keys in my pocket, When I pulled the keys out, I dropped the fitbit. It said, "Hold me, Linda"

    A friend challenged me to walk a million steps in 90 days, which is 11.111 steps a day. I finished in 87 days. LOVE my fitbit!

  6. Wow, a million steps! You rock Linda. By the way, my FitBit tells me I rock once a day.

  7. Ellen, you sound great! So glad to hear about your success. Keep it up and come back to visit us one of these days.

  8. Both of my brothers and my sister -in- law have a fitbit and we keep track of each others progress each week!!

  9. I do my laundry one piece at a time too! I thought I was crazy!

    I don't have a FitBit brand tracker but the similar Spark Activity Tracker. I compete with myself all the time because of it. I think having others to compete with would be even better.

  10. Age 65+, I got my Fitbit Flex almost a year ago. Every day, I walk 5,000-20,000 steps. In addition to dietary changes, Fitbit has helped me lose 50 pounds and get healthy...no meds needed. When I first got it, I learned that I was over-estimating my activity and under-estimating my caloric intake, so it has been a valuable tool for my healthy lifestyle change.
