H3 Daily

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Fitness: Swimming for Weight Loss

If you’ve visited H3 recently, you probably noticed I have been embracing regular swim personal trainings for the past several months. Encouraging individuals to get acquainted with the water is not only beneficial for them, but gratifying for me! Helping to improve stroke techniques, as well as encouraging the idea of incorporating swimming into their daily exercise regiments simply opens the door to many more possibilities for all parties involved. Regular swimming builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. It can be used as a great form of cross training, as swimming requires full muscular engagement. When you swim, you are utilizing both upper and lower body muscles to propel you through the water. These muscles are being used in ways you do not typically utilize them.

There are also psychological benefits to swimming as well as “swimoga” anyone? If you are going to embrace swimming, why not be mindful when doing so? Try to eliminate the distractions or daily mental chatter. Begin simply by focusing on the rhythm of your stroke and/or the rhythm of your breath. Listen to the water— it will in time quiet your mind, adding a meditative component to your workout too!

Therefore, for Friday Fitness this week I encourage you to grab your goggles and get in the pool, lake, ocean, etc. Below you will find a 1200m workout—assuming you are swimming in a 25m or 50m pool—utilizing the freestyle stroke (aka. front crawl) for its entirety.

The main set/drills will involve a kickboard and a pull buoy. If you do not have a pull buoy you can use a swim weight in between your legs, which will help to restrict you from kicking and force you to use your arms to pull yourself through the water. If you do not know how to use these tools and or do not have access to either of them, simply swim freestyle stroke for the drill section as well.


2 x50, 1x 100

Main Set

2x 50 pull
2x 50 kick

50, 100, 150, 150, 100, 50

1x100, 2x50

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