H3 Daily

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Healthy Grab-and-Go Breakfast Ideas

We all know that breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Even if you aren’t a so call “breakfast eater,” you have to eat something! 

My new fly by breakfast is a Strawberry and Oats Smoothie. The mixture between the skim milk, fresh strawberries, raw rolled oats and a little nonfat plain yogurt helps me start my day off right.  I have my protein from my low fat dairy products, I enjoy eating grains in their whole form, and I get my fresh fruit that is pureed and not juiced.  This is used as a meal replacement for me so it runs me about 250 calories.  This smoothie leaves me feeling full and energized—your breakfast should not leave starving within 15 minutes of eating. 

If you are in a hurry in the mornings, I want to warn you that although these are quick breakfast ideas, everything takes some planning. Whether planning your shopping list or prepping items ahead of time, set aside some time when you’re not so busy to get your breakfast “grab-and-go” ready.

  • Power Smoothies. Did you know you can actually make smoothies ahead of time? Bag all your ingredients and place them in the freezer in single serve portions. This way you can just through them in the blender, add your dairy and go. Another option it to pre-blend a couple smoothies without adding ice. Portion them in a to-go cup and keep cool in the refrigerator. You could also put your smoothie in a freezer-friendly container and pull it out before getting ready in the morning to it’s thawed just in time to walk out the door.

  • Hard boiled eggs are cheap, quick and filling. Peel them ahead of time and place them in a zip lock bag in the refrigerator. Eggs are packed with choline, which is important in brain function. I don’t know about you, but I could use all the help I can get to wake my brain up in the mornings.

  • Premade egg and vegetable sandwiches. Make them, wrap them, microwave when ready and go!  These are great on whole wheat English muffins, or whole wheat sandwich thins. Keep your sandwiches from getting boring by using a variety of pre-cut and washed vegetables such as lettuce, tomato, peppers, mushrooms, onion, zucchini, or even small cubes of potato. You can also add salsa or fresh herbs like cilantro and basil to your sandwich.

  • Eye-Opener Oatmeal. Have oatmeal made for the week so all you have to do is add a little water or milk and re-heat.  To make it even easier, pre-portioned your oatmeal in Rubbermaid containers so you know exactly how much you’re having each day. 

  • Whole wheat French toast or pancakes. Like to cook breakfast on the weekends?  Reserve what’s left or make extra and keep them in zip lock bags so all you have to do is pop your toast or pancakes in the toaster or microwave.  Place fresh fruit on top and eat with light or sugar free syrup.  If sitting down to eat off a plate is out of the question, incorporate your fruit by adding it to the batter itself making blueberry or banana French toast or pancakes.

  • Fresh fruit parfait. Again, use Rubbermaid containers to prepare your parfaits ahead of time. Add a layer of various fruit then low-fat yogurt and continue. Top with whole grain cereal or granola before eating. You can also opt to simply enjoy your fresh fruit plain. Pre-wash berries and place them in zip-lock bags or plastic containers. It’s never easy peeling oranges, kiwi or grapefruit on the train or in your car so do it ahead of time. Peeling, washing and cutting fruit as soon as you get home from the grocery store makes it’s easy to grab and go no matter where you are. You’re also more likely to eat your fruit instead of letting it go bad.

Keep in mind, you have to make time to eat something in the morning, as food is fuel to the brain so chances are you will perform much better not only at work but overall in your thought process.

If you have a refrigerator available at work, leave cereal and milk there. Great cold cereals to eat are All Bran Flakes, Wheat Chex, Multi-Grain Cheerios, Kashi- Go Lean, Grape Nuts, Kellogg’s Protein Plus and Shredded Wheat.  Shoot for cereals that have at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.

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