H3 Daily

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Fitness: Impactful Self-Myofascial Release

Before we breakdown the video, ask yourself three quick questions and give yourself a rating of 1 out of 10. “1” being I am not currently doing any at all and “10” being I am a rock-star at executing this in my fitness routine. Here goes:

1)      Are you stretching before exercise?

2)      Are you stretching after exercise?

3)      Are you currently using an SMR method (foam roller, trigger point ball, etc.)?

4)      Do you stretch or SMR first thing in the morning?

5)      Do you stretch or SMR before going to bed at night?

I’ve talked about flexibility in the past as being the most important component of fitness, but sometimes it’s tough for us to see the value in executing it as part of our normal routine. Don’t get me wrong, finding the motivation is a challenge, but the benefits far outweigh the difficulty of getting it done.

So here’s the deal:

There is this thing called fascia that is fixed to our muscles as we move; exercise and sit for long periods of time and this thing called scar tissue builds up. Scar tissue retracts our movements and limits our range of motion. What we need to understand is the impact of mobilizing one joint or muscle of the body affects all others. Check out the video and you’ll see what I am talking about!

To learn more and purchase SMR tools check out these resources:

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